Below are links to various published studies and papers from the UNC Division of Geriatric Medicine and the Center for Aging and Health.
Patient Perceptions of Opioids and Benzodiazepines and Attitudes Toward Deprescribing (Drugs & Aging, October 2023)
Establishing and sustaining an acute care for elders unit: An incremental journey to success (August 2023)
Baseline Serum Biomarkers Predict Response to a Weight Loss Intervention in Older Adults with Obesity: A Pilot Study (Metabolites, July 2023)
Controversies in Osteoporosis Treatment of Nursing Home Resident (JAMDA, November 2022)
Long-term weight change after a technology-based weight loss intervention (JAGS, October 2022)
Anticholinergic co-prescribing in nursing home residents using cholinesterase inhibitors: potential deprescribing cascade (JAGS, October 2022)
Medicare’s annual wellness visit: 10 years of opportunities gained and lost (JAGS, October 2022)
Association between food insecurity and probable sarcopenia: Data from the 2011–2014 National Health and nutrition examination survey (Clinical Nutrition, September 2022)
Use of geriatric assessment in cancer clinical trials: A systematic review (JGO, September 2022)
Prevalence and clinical correlates of cognitive impairment in adults with plasma cell disorders (JGO, September 2022)
Primary-Care Prescribers’ Perspectives on Deprescribing Opioids and Benzodiazepines in Older Adults (Drugs & Aging, July 2022)
Development and Evaluation of a Faculty Teaching Boot Camp Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Cureus, June 2022)
Effect of Deintensifying Diabetes Medications on Negative Events in Older Veteran Nursing Home Residents (Diabetes Care, May 2022)
A deprescribing medication program to evaluate falls in older adults: methods for a randomized pragmatic clinical trial (Trials, April 2022)