General Surgery Residency Program Employment Details
Salaries and Benefits
For information on salaries, benefits, and more, see UNC Health Care’s Office of Graduate Medical Education.
Vacation Leave
Refer to the Policy Regarding Resident Vacations, Meetings and Time Away (.pdf)
Family and Medical Leave
All duly appointed members of UNC Hospitals Housestaff who are working at least 20 hours each week are entitled to a total of 12 weeks leave during any 12 month period for one or more of the reasons listed in the Housestaff Manual, available in hard copy from the GME Office. A maximum of 6 of the 12 weeks may be paid leave as long as the Housestaff member exhausts his other vacation leave as part of the paid 6 weeks and the Residency Program Director has approved that the leave be paid.
Sick Leave
Appropriate sick leave may be authorized by the Department Chair in conjunction with the Executive Associate Dean for GME and Chief of Staff under the terms, conditions and limitations of the Resident Serious Illness Policy (.pdf)
Foreign Graduates
ALL graduates of foreign medical school must be certified by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. All alien foreign graduates must meet all Visa Qualifying Examination (VQE) or Foreign Medical Graduate Exam in Medical Sciences (FMGEMS) requirements prior to application. Assistance for ERAS is through the ECFMG office in Philadelphi, PA.
Veterans Administration Benefits
Hospitals is approved to enroll veterans, participants, military, and other eligible persons in the ACGME approved residency programs under provisions of Titles 38 and 10 United States code.