Karen Plevock and Cassandra Hayne are the new Biochemistry and Biophysics student representatives for the term 2013-2014.

Karen Plevock (Biophysics, Slep Lab) and Cassandra Hayne (Biochemistry, Neher Lab), both third year students in the department have taken over the positions of departmental grad student representatives. They replace Peter Johnson and Deepak Jha who have served as the most recent student reps. Per Karen and Cassandra, “…Over the next year, we hope to bring [all] together for fun and scholarly activities…”
Events will be posted on the Graduate Student Events Webpage as well as on Facebook and Twitter
If you have any other ideas for student related events, please contact Cassandra (chayne@email.unc.edu) or Karen (kplevock@email.unc.edu).