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*If this is an emergency please call 911 or visit your local emergency room

* Our outpatient program is fully running via telepsychiatry and we are open for business virtually. Please call the “Adult Outpatient Psychiatry” number below.

* UNC employees: please visit our Well-Being page for various resources including the UNC Healing Heroes Helpline.

Adult Outpatient Psychiatry(984) 974-5217

*For Healthcare Employees wanting to schedule an appointment for mental health support, press option 2.

Child Outpatient Psychiatry: (984) 974-5217

Inpatient and Admittance: (984) 974-1000

Psychiatry Financial Services(984) 974-3931

Medical Records: (984) 974-3226

Weekend, After Hours and Holidays: (984) 974-5217 

University Administration

Psychiatry Chair’s Office: (919) 445-0205

Education and Training: (984) 974-2194

