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Foundation of Hope

In 1984, the late Thad and Alice Eure, owners of the Angus Barn Restaurant established the Foundation of Hope for Research and Treatment of Mental Illness, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting scientific research aimed at discovering the causes and potential cures for mental illness in hopes of developing more effective means of treatment. The Foundation provides financial support for ongoing and new research and treatment through the UNC Department of Psychiatry and its affiliated programs.

After Thad Eure’s death in 1988, his employees decided to honor his memory by raising money for the Foundation of Hope. They called their fund raising event The Thad Eure, Jr. Walk for Hope, and that first year 200 participants raised nearly $35,000 for the Foundation. The Angus Barn employees never dreamed that the “Walk” would be so successful. It has become an annual community event, as well as the Foundation’s largest annual fund-raiser. The Thad and Alice Eure Walk for Hope takes place on the second Sunday each October.

The Foundation typically provides funds to help young investigators establish their research programs or more senior investigators to develop new, innovative lines of research. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded over 157 scientific research grants totaling more than $6.6 million dollars.

Walk for Hope 2024

With the Foundation’s initial funding in place—Department researchers have leveraged an additional $160 million in federal funding for these studies. The Foundation has also provided significant support for The Thad and Alice Eure Distinguished Professorship for Research, currently held by Dr. John Gilmore, MD.

The UNC Department of Psychiatry would like to express its deep appreciation to the Foundation of Hope for Research and Treatment of Mental Illness for its significant support of the Department’s research efforts. In a very substantial way, the success of the Department’s research faculty is tied very closely to the ongoing support of the Foundation for Hope.


Growing a world-class clinical research program for kids & teens

The Foundation of Hope is committed to supporting the growth of the Foundation of Hope Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Mood Disorders Program (CHAAMP). To date, you – our generous supporters – have helped us raise more than $3.9 million to launch this impactful research program, but we’re not stopping there.

CHAAMP’s bigger plan is to address the needs of children and teens over the entire developmental lifespan – from infancy and early childhood to middle childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood.

CHAAMP research is an investment in our children that can save lives for generations to come.

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