Visiting Students
Visiting medical students interested in Anesthesiology electives need to contact Dustin Norris in the Office of Student Affairs at UNC School of Medicine for assistance with applying to one of our rotations.
In order to be considered for an acting internship in the Department of Anesthesiology, prospective students must submit the following documents through VSAS:
- Medical School transcript
- Curriculum vitae (please include USMLE and/or COMLEX scores)
- Brief statement of interest in anesthesia and UNC (~1 paragraph)
For additional information, please contact:
Elizabeth H. Aguero
Anes 401 Coordinator
UNC Anesthesiology
N2198 UNC Hospitals, CB 7010
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Visiting students are encouraged to apply for the Larry D. Keith Scholarship for Visiting Student Electives. More information can be found here: