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Adil Muneer phd photoAdil Muneer successfully defended his dissertation under the direction of Dr. Xian Chen on August 28th, 2023, and he has received his PhD.

The title of his dissertation is “Non-canonical translation regulatory function of G9a in chronic inflammation associated diseases.”

Adil received his undergraduate degree in biology from Lahore University of Management Sciences in Pakistan where he studied evolutionary responses to chronic malnutrition in Drosophila. From there he moved to UNC Chapel Hill to pursue his PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics (Biophysics track, 2017) under the supervision of Dr. Xian Chen, a renowned expert in the fields of mass-spectrometry and epigenetics. His dissertation focuses on targeting non-canonical translation regulatory function of G9a, a histone methyltransferase, in chronic inflammation associated diseases, including sepsis and COVID19. Adil likes to read fiction and history in his free time and is an avid traveler who enjoys exploring new cultures and cuisines.

After graduation, Adil will work in a postdoctoral position in academia.