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Congratulations to graduate students Derek and Ike who successfully passed their qualifying oral exams in June 2022!

Derek Bolhuis
Derek Bolhuis

Derek Bolhuis is a graduate student in Brown and Emanuele labs

James (Ike) Emerson
James (Ike) Emerson

James (Ike) Emerson is a graduate student in Conlon lab

N. Brown lab research goal is to understand the system of inter- and intra-molecular interactions that dynamically regulate the catalytic mechanisms of enzymes to precisely time the events of the cell cycle. We employ a hybrid technological approach, including enzyme kinetics, mutagenesis, X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and cryo-EM, to characterize these molecular machines. Our results provide mechanistic insight into the cell cycle that will influence the drug design of cancer therapeutics.

Emanuele lab research goal is to gain a better understanding of how human cells grow and proliferate. This fundamental process is broken in virtually cancers. We hope to leverage this knowledge to understand the initiation, progression and treatment of cancer. Along this research journey, we are deeply committed to fostering a diverse and equitable research environment.

The work in Conlon lab is focused on identifying the molecular networks that are essential for early heart development and how sex difference in these networks lead to sex disparities in heart disease. For these studies, we use a highly integrated approach that incorporates developmental, genetic, proteomic, biochemical and molecular based studies in mouse and stem cells.