6 years ago
Graduate Student Pedro N. Pozo Publishes in Molecular Biology of the Cell and receives his PhD
Pedro N. Pozo, graduate student in Cook lab publishes his first-authored paper in MBoC and he receives his PhD.
6 years ago
Pedro N. Pozo, graduate student in Cook lab publishes his first-authored paper in MBoC and he receives his PhD.
6 years ago
Aspen was awarded a Predoctoral Fellowship by AHA, and the best graduate student poster at the Southeast Lipid Research Conference in Nashville, TN on November 2, 2018, as well as the best poster at our departmental research retreat in October 2018.
6 years ago
November 8 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm PEDRO N. POZO “Determining the Cellular and Molecular Consequences of Naturally-Occurring and Engineered Mutations in the Cell Cycle Gene CDT1.” (GMB Curriculum Student) Seminar is based upon doctoral dissertation of Pedro N Pozo under the direction of Dr. Jean Cook.
6 years ago
Well wishers came to cheer on the finalists of the UNC Graduate School’s Three Minute Thesis competition in Bondurant Hall G100 Tuesday October 30. Of the ten finalists, three are are from UNC School of Medicine departments: Alex Chung in the Parise lab, and Susanna Harris and Bhawana Shrestha in microbiology and immunology. The Three Minute …
6 years ago
October 29 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm SHARON GUFFY “Methods for Designing Zinc Binding Proteins with Native and De Novo Scaffolds” Seminar is based upon doctoral dissertation of Sharon Guffy under the direction of Dr. Brian Kuhlman
6 years ago
Fall 2018, second year graduate students: Cari Koerner (Neher Lab), Adam Luthman (Ramsden Lab), Nick Martinez (Campbell Lab), and Keean Braceros (Calabrese Lab) learned valuable science communication skills from Biochemistry 701. This course helps students gain proficiency in evaluating limitations and alternative approaches in the literature, receive exposure to experimental methods, and practice communicating science …
6 years ago
Juanita Limas will receive $50,000 to support her biomedical research in the Cook lab.
6 years ago
UNC Graduate student, Nicholas Martinez, contributor to The Pipettepen
6 years ago
Vishwa Mohan and Sarah Wade published a new paper in Cerebral Cortex, 2018, 1-15, “Temporal Regulation of Dendritic Spines Through NrCAM-Semaphorin3F Receptor Signaling in Developing Cortical Pyramidal Neurons.” Vishwa Mohan, Chelsea S. Sullivan, Jiami Guo, Sarah D. Wade, Samarpan Majumder, Amit Agarwal, Eva S. Anton, Brenda S. Temple, and Patricia F. Maness. A new paper …