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Introducing our new fellows and residents

March 17, 2017
UNC Department of Neurology is proud to introduce our newly matched fellows and residents. The fellows will join us on July 1, 2017, and our residents will start on June 24, 2017.

UNC Neurology now offers headache and pain treatment services

February 8, 2017
UNC Neurology is pleased to announce the Division of Headache as an expansion of our services. The Division will be led by Gary W. Jay, MD, FAAPM, FACFEI, who is a neurologist specializing in headache and pain.

Neurology News – December 2016

November 30, 2016
What's new in the Department of Neurology

Designated Centers of Excellence

November 15, 2016
National accreditations and third-party certifications of excellence attest to UNC Neurology's expertise and multidisciplinary care.

Neurology residents embrace research opportunities at UNC

October 31, 2016
Six residents spanning four post-graduate years (PGY) published research in 2015 and 2016. Research publications include Neurology, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, Stroke, and Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics.

US News and World Report Rating

September 12, 2016
The UNC Hospitals Neurology and Neurosurgery specialties were recently rated by US News and World Report as high performing, earning scores that fell within the top 10% of analyzed centers.

Robertson receives Distinguished Leader in AIDS award

August 6, 2016
Dr. Kevin Robertson recently received the American Psychological Association’s Distinguished Leader in AIDS award.

Daniel Kaufer recognized by the State Governor

July 16, 2016
Governor Pat McCrory recently recognized Daniel Kaufer, MD (UNC Department of Neurology) and Kathleen Welsh-Bohmer, PhD (Duke University) for their collaborative efforts to combat Alzheimer’s disease through the launch of the North Carolina Regional Consortium for Brain Health in Aging.

Online interview with Susan Wilson, NP

July 5, 2016
Susan Wilson was interviewed for Women in Science Wednesdays by Endeavors, an UNC online publication.

UNC Health Care’s System-Wide Stroke Consortium Meeting

June 29, 2016
UNC Health Care's first system-wide stroke consortium meeting will be held on Friday, August 26th, 10am-2pm.