The Eastern North Carolina and Southern Virginia RegIonal Stroke trIal cONsortium (ENVISION) is seeking applicants for a 1-year, $50,000 research fellowship. The fellowship application is open to clinical fellows or junior faculty members who are interested in stroke clinical research and has a minimum of 50% protected time for research. This support can be used to offset salary for existing trainees with at least 50% protected time or help increase protected time for junior faculty to 50% or more. We are inviting applications for the academic year July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026. Support is potentially renewable for another year, but will be evaluated case by case along with new applications.
$50,000 Stroke Research Salary Support
Available for July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026
Apply by February 28, 2025
Trainee Eligibility
- Trainees must spend at least 50% of their time on research and research training (requiring 50% protected time)
- They can be from any discipline, not just limited to vascular neurology. This includes neurosurgeons, emergency physicians, epidemiologists, physical or occupational therapists, basic/translational scientists working on clinical research, and any others who have a significant interest in a career in clinical stroke research.
- They do not have to be a US citizen or hold a green card (visas are ok).
- They should have demonstrated interest in research. They do not necessarily have to be planning to write a K-award grant during this year, nor do they have to plan for a heavily research-weighted career in the future.
- Trainees do need to be individuals planning to stay in academia, however, and work in clinical stroke research throughout their career, e,g, enrolling patients into trials, publishing manuscripts and working on research questions in the future.
- Qualified applicants underrepresented in medicine, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
- They can be junior faculty members.
- Existing/Current StrokeNet fellows can reapply for an additional year of support as long as eligibility still holds; in addition, their progress in the past support period will be used for evaluation.
Fellowship Performance Requirements
- Attend all StrokeNet grand rounds, professional development webinars, and basic science journal clubs;
- Participate fully in a Learning Community group;
- Submit a research synopsis and training plan;
- Present research at a StrokeNet webinar or meeting a the end of the fellowship;
- Complete a brief survey about the program upon completion, complete the exit form, and stay in touch with the program after the conclusion of the training year.
Required Submission Documentations
- CV or NIH Biosketch;
- Letter from departmental official certifying 50% or more of protected time for research;
- One page description of specific aims or research plan;
- Letters of support from research mentors.
If interested, please submit required documents listed above to Dr. William Powers ( by February 28, 2025. We anticipate making a decision by April 1, 2025.
Further information can be found on the StrokeNet website.