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Annual awards from the Dean’s Office recognizing the research of distinguished faculty in the SOM

Oliver Smithies Investigators

An annual award to honor senior faculty members who have made significant research contributions and achieved international recognition for their work. The award was established in honor of the research achievements of UNC Nobel Prize Winner Oliver Smithies, DPhil, the Weatherspoon Eminent Distinguished Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

List of Oliver Smithies Investigators


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Joe Eron, MD
Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease

Brian Kuhlman, PhD
Professor and Vice Chair of Biochemistry and Biophysics


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Brian Strahl, PhD
Professor and Vice Chair of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Jen Jen Yeh, MD
Professor of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology


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Victor Garcia-Martinez, PhD
Professor of Medicine

Karen Mohlke, PhD
Professor of Genetics


Kim Boggess, MD
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Fernando Pardo Manuel de Villena, PhD
Professor of Genetics

Yang Biomedical Scholars

The award, made possible through a donation from Lenovo chairman and CEO Yuanqing Yang, recognizes the research achievements of young tenured faculty.
List of Yang Biomedical Scholars


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Sarah Linnstaedt, PhD

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Pengda Liu, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Benjamin Vincent, MD

Assistant Professor, Division of Hematology/Oncology


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J. Mauro Calabrese, PhD
Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Nilu Goonetilleke, PhD
Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Adam Hantman, PhD
Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology


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Yueh Lee, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiology

Jiandong Liu, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Angela Smith, MD
Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Urology


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Chad Pecot, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine

Li Qian, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Gregory Scherrer, PhD
Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology

Greg Wang, PhD
Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics


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Louise Henderson, PhD, MSPH
Associate Professor Radiology

Jonathan Juliano, MD, MSPH
Associate Professor of Medicine

Ian Shih, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology


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Edward Miao, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Garrett Stuber, PhD
Associatge Professor of Psychiatry, Cell Biology & Immunology


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Jonathan Berg, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Genetics

Maureen, Su, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Yisong Wan, PhD
Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Jefferson-Pilot Fellowships in Academic Medicine

Through the generosity of the Jefferson-Pilot Corporation, a trust fund has been established within the Medical Foundation for the support of Jefferson-Pilot Fellowships in Academic Medicine at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. The aim of the program is to retain promising junior faculty within the UNC School of Medicine. The recipient of the award is given public recognition of his/her prior achievements and the School’s confidence in his/her future, and the monetary award allows the recipient a degree of freedom to explore new ideas, new ways of teaching students, treating patients, or investigating biological problems that may not be available from other granting agencies.

Any individual, either basic medical scientist or clinical scientist, is eligible for nomination for a Jefferson-Pilot Fellowships provided that the candidate has been a full-time faculty member of the SOM for at least 3 years and does not have tenure at the time of appointment as a Fellow.

Preference will be given to candidates below the rank of Associate Professor, but Associate Professors without tenure are eligible. Fixed term and tenure track assistant and associate professors (without tenure) are eligible.

Please visit the most recent 2024 RFA linked here for more information about eligibility, nomination materials, and submission process.

Jefferson-Pilot Fellowship Awardees

2024-2025 Recipients

Meghan Rebuli, PhD (Department of Pediatrics)

Samantha Schilling, MD, MSHP (Department of Pediatrics)


Previous Recipients

Nicholas Brown

Jose Rodriguez-Romaguera

Eva Anton

Janelle Arthur

Joel Baseman

Phillip Bassford

James E. Bear

Ross Boyce

Philip Blatt

Sharon Campbell

Williams Cance

Kathleen Caron

Charles Carter, Jr.

Arlene Chung

Frank Church

David Clemmons

Myron Cohen

Jeanette Cook

Giselle Corbie-Smith

Joseph D’Ercole

Blossom Damania

Georgette Dent

Douglas Drossman

Jeffrey Fair

Ronald Falk

William Fischer

John Gilmore

Robert Golde

Lee Graves

Kenney Gray

Thomas Griggs

Jimena Giudice

Joyce Harp

Mark Heise

William Henry

Katherine High

James Howard, Jr.

Charles Jeanette

Larry Johnson

Blair Keagy

Shannon Kenney

MIchael Knowles

Jeffrey Kuller

Edward Lawson

Helen Lazear

David Lee

Yun Li

Edison Liu

Jiandong Liu

Pengda Liu

Patricia Maness

Zoe McElligott

Sharon Milgram

Roger Narayan

Terry Noah

Robert Orlowski

Leslie Parise

Charles Perou

Duncan Postma

Herbert Proctor

Dale Ramsden

Lewis Romer

Norman Sharpless

Gene Siegal

Frederick Sparling

Anne Steiner

Alan Stiles

Brian Strahl

Alison Stuebe

Lishan Su

Manuel Tancer

Joan Taylor

David Threadgill

Jenny Ting

Louis Underwood

Peter Utsinger

Jean-Michel Vos

Yisong Wan

Greg Wang

Zefang Wang

Robert Warren

Monte Willis

Hyejung Won

Yue Xiong

Wendell Yarbrough

Yanping Zhan

Dr. James W. Woods Junior Faculty Awards

Through the generosity of the late Dr. James W. Woods, a trust fund has been established at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to provide this junior faculty award within the UNC School of Medicine. One recipient will be selected each year, and the aim of the award is to support and retain promising young members of the medical school clinical faculty.

Full time, clinical faculty members are eligible for nomination for a Woods Award provided they have been a full-time member of the clinical faculty at the UNC School of Medicine for at least three years. Fixed term and tenure track assistant professors are eligible.

Please visit the 2024 RFA linked here for more information about eligibility, nomination materials, and submission process.

James Woods Award Recipients

2024-2025 Recipient

Christine Chu, MD, MSCI (Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology)


Previous Recipients

Miriam Sklerov

Victoria Bae-Jump

Natalie Bowman

Bruce Cairns

Shannon Carson

Ronald Chen

Patricia Chang

Arlene Chung

David T. Curiel

Samir M. Fakhry

Timothy M. Farrell

William Fischer

Jennifer Flythe

Margaret Gourlay

Mark L. Graham II

Joyce Harp

Katherine Hartmann

Alan Hinderliter

Jong Jin (HJ) Kim

Andrea Knittel

Mark Koruda

Suzanne Landis

Steven N. Lichtman

Suresh K. Mukherji

Tim Nichols

Colin Orr

Jackie Knupp Patterson

Jay Raval

Ray Tan

Teresa Tarrant

Linda Van Le

Bradley V. Vaughn

Anthony Viera

Susan M. Weeks

Adam Zolotor

Hyman L. Battle Distinguished Cancer Research Award

The Hyman L. Battle Distinguished Cancer Research Award recognizes sustained, exceptional cancer research over a career by faculty at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. Previous winners include Drs. Jen Jen Yeh, Jonathan Serody, Yi Zhang, Nancy Raab-Traub, Yanping Zhang, Channing Der, Yue Xiong, Joseph Pagano, Charles Perou, Sharon Campbell, Jenny Ting, Shelton Earp, Gary Johnson, and Aziz Sancar.

Please review the most recent memo for more information about the award, application process, and required materials.

Hyman Battle Award Recipients



Jen Jen Yeh, MD – Professor, Division of Surgical Oncology

Jonathan Serody, MD – Elizabeth Thomas Professor of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology


Albert Baldwin, PhD- Kenan Distinguished Professor of Cancer Cell Biology

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Blossom Damania, PhD – Boshamer Distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Dirk Dittmer, PhD – Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

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Ronald Swanstrom, PhD – Charles Postelle Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics

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Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD – Kenan Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics

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Gary Johnson, PhD – Kenan Distinguished Professor of Genetics

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Shelley Earp, MD – Lineberger Professor of Cancer Research, Director of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

Jenny Ting, PhD – William Rand Kenan Professor of Genetics

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Sharon Campbell, PhD – Gary F. Liebscher Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics

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Charles Perou, PhD – May Goldman Shaw Distinguished Professor of Molecular Oncology, Department of Genetics

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Joseph Pagano, MD – Lineberger Professor of Cancer Research and Director Emeritus, Professor of Medicine and Microbiology and Immunology

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Channing Der, PhD – Kenan Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology

Yue Xiong, PhD –  Kenan Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics

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Yanping Zhang, PhD – Professor of Radiation Oncology

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Nancy Raab-Traub, PhD – Kenan Distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

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Yi Zhang, PhD – Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics

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