Bradley successfully defended his dissertation and received his PhD on April 17, 2017.
Bradley Falk, under the direction of Dr. Andrew Lee, successfully defended his dissertation and received his Ph.D. on April 17, 2017. The title of his dissertation is“Probing Subunit Communication via a Singly Ligated State of Dimeric Thymidylate Synthase”
Bradley did his undergraduate work at University of Richmond. During his predoctoral studies, Bradley’s research focused on developing a new tool to study singly ligated states of symmetric proteins by NMR to study subunit communication and allostery. He was selected as a student speaker and received the best student poster award from the Protein Society at a Symposium for Protein Structure, Dynamics, and Function in 2016. After UNC, Bradley will be doing his postdoctoral work at Merck Research Laboratories in Kenilworth, NJ where he will be using NMR and other biophysical methods to characterize and develop novel protein therapeutics for cancer treatment.