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Carolyn Clabo
Carolyn M. Clabo, Digital Accessibility Liaison

Carolyn Clabo, our newly appointed Digital Accessibility Liaison, has been engaged with the technical facets of digital content (Plone and WordPress CMS) since 2015 and with digital accessibility since 2017. In her new role in 2019, she will be advocating for ITS training sessions among faculty, students, staff, and trainees to enhance digital inclusivity.

What is digital accessibility?

The web is a powerful and increasingly necessary way of connecting with one another and the world. In order to provide equal access and opportunity to all, we must do our part to make UNC School of Medicine (SOM) websites accessible to everyone. Continue reading this article for content editors from the School of Medicine ITS.

Digital Accessibility Liaisons

Digital Accessibility Liaisons (DAL) advocate for an accessible experience that enhances usability for everyone. They promote digital accessibility at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill within their unit. Acting as the main contact for their unit helps to scale up the Digital Accessibility Office’s (DAO) outreach efforts across campus. Each liaison is a volunteer who wants to learn and promote digital accessibility best practices.

map of noth carolina with 5 cartoon persons with disabilities

Our Liaison

Our new department Digital Accessibility Liaison, Carolyn Clabo, has been attending monthly meetings with UNC Information Technology Services (ITS) since 2017. She is part of the Digital Accessibility office (DAO) working group responsible for establishing UNC’s policy and standards for Digital Accessibility. Initially, there were only four Digital Accessibility staff members hired in ITS to serve the UNC-Chapel Hill’s 13,000 employees and 31,000 students and forty liaisons slowly joined the working group which later grew much larger to serve across the university.

text "digital accessibility liaison University of North Carolina"

Carolyn will be our point person and can provide information on resources that are available here at UNC. Ms. Clabo is a member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals, National Digital Inclusion Alliance, EDUCAUSE, and HighEdWeb Association.

IAAP member

Articles and resources

Please read the Digital Accessibility office launches at ITS. For the DAO Office website and resources please click here. Join the next informational meeting to hear an overview of what the office does, the progress it has made on campus since its launch, and why it’s so important for UNC to be digitally accessible.  Read more about the liaison program.

Digital Accessibility at UNC-Chapel Hill

Click the link in the title above for details about UNC policies, tools, services, and training opportunities.

The offices of Accessibility Services and Equal Opportunity/ADA Office offer other resources for the Carolina Community, such as information on accommodations. The offices work closely with the Digital Accessibility Office to support the accessibility of digital content, resources, and technology.

Upcoming training

Want to make sure that your website, course, software, or videos are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities, but don’t know where to start? This training is for you.

In the Digital Accessibility Awareness training, you’ll:

  • hear about different kinds of disabilities and ways to accommodate them
  • learn the basics of creating accessible documents with Microsoft Office, PDF, and web
  • find out about the Digital Accessibility Office team and services

A cartoon of a man using a computer. On the screen are icons representing different types of disabilities, including blindness or low vision, deafness or hard of hearing, and physical mobility challenges.Other training opportunities

UNC will be offering this course regularly. See our calendar and sign up now. Digital Accessibility Awareness Training calendar.

To better serve our UNC community we have two forms of registration available. Permanent employees should use the Carolina Talent link so we can ensure you get credit for taking our courses. Temp workers, students, and other affiliates should use the LearningStream link.