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Rachel successfully defended her thesis and received her PhD on October 1, 2013.


Rachel Creager-Allen, under the direction of Dr. Robert Bourret, successfully defended her thesis and received her Ph.D. on October 1, 2013! The title of her thesis is “A link between autophosphorylation and dimerization of PhoB “.

Members of Rachel’s family who attended included: Matt (husband), Camerson (stepson), Marti (mother), Ken (father), Douglas (brother), Minday(mother-in-law), Ray (father-in-law) and Gena (sister-in-law).

Rachel will start a new position at Duke University as a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Dave MacAlpine of the Pharmacology Department. She will research genetic, genomic, biochemical and computational approaches to understand how the local chromatin architecture modulates the transcription and DNA replication programs to ensure genomic stability.

Rachel defense

We wish Rachel the best in all her future endeavors — Congratulations!