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On the JBC Cover: The circadian clock is the internal timekeeping molecular system that generates a daily rhythm in an organism’s physiology and behavior.

From the cover of JBC issue July 22, 2011

Biochemical Analysis of the Canonical Model for the Mammalian Circadian Clock

Authors: Rui Ye, Christopher P. Selby, Nuri Ozturk, Yunus Annayev and Aziz Sancar

Journal: The Journal of Biological Chemistry

Issue: July 22, 2011286, 25891-25902

On The Cover: The circadian clock is the internal timekeeping molecular system that generates a daily rhythm in an organism’s physiology and behavior. Based on genetic and cell biological experiments, a canonical model for the circadian clock in mammals consisting of TTFL has been developed. The paper by Rui Ye and colleagues describes the purification of the mammalian clock proteins and the first biochemical test of the model. Their findings support some aspects of the canonical model but also suggest that some key features of the model need to be revised. The cover picture is a whimsical illustration of the significance of biochemical analysis to the understanding of this complex behavioral system.

Learn more: Sancar Lab