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Congratulations to Dr. Saskia Neher, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics for receiving a beginning grant in aid from the American Heart Association.

Saskia Neher, PhD

The American Hearth Association has given Dr. Saskia Neher a beginning grant in aid which promotes the independent status of promising scientists. The focus of this research grant is related to cardiovascular function and disease and stroke. Specifically, the project is aimed to better understand factors leading to elevated serum triglycerides, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is the enzyme that hydrolyzes triglycerides from the blood. The research will study how LPL’s oligomeric state and structural features contribute to its activity. This understanding will provide the basis for future studies to design approaches that correct faulty LPL function.

Dr. Neher received her PhD from MIT while training in Dr. Tania Baker’s Lab. Her postdoctoral work was completed at UCSF in the lab of Dr. Peter Walter. There she was a Jane Coffin Childs Fellow and received an NIH K99 Pathway to Independence award. Dr. Neher was recruited to UNC in 2011 and since has also received a Pew Scholar award. Learn more about the Neher Lab: