8:00am – 8:30am
8:30am – 8:45am
Welcome and Introduction
Ron Swanstrom, PhD
8:45am – 9: 30am
Monocytes and CD8 T cells conspire to drive cardiovascular risk in HIV infection.
Michael Lederman, MD
9:30am – 10:30 am
South Carolina’s Plan to End the HIV Epidemic
Ali Mansaray
SC DHEC STD/HIV and Viral Hepatitis Division, Director
Developing a North Carolina Plan to End the HIV Epidemic
Jacquelyn Clymore, MS
NC DHHS Communicable Disease Branch; HIV/STD/Hepatitis Director
Mecklenburg County’s Plan to End the HIV Epidemic
Gibbie Harris, MSPH
Mecklenburg County, NC, Health Director
10:30am – 10:45 am
10:45am – 11:05 am
Transforming the Carolinas: Preparing to End the Epidemic for Transgender People of Color in the Carolinas
Tonia Poteat, PhD
11:05am – 11:25 pm
Reaching African Americans to Reduce Disparities in HIV Prevention and Treatment: The Carolina CoOp
Felicia Browne, ScD
11:25am -11:55am
An Integrated Technology-Based “Status-Neutral” Approach to Engage YMSM/YTGW in the Prevention and Care Continuum in North and South Carolina
Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD
11:55am- 12:00pm
Closing Remarks
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