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Edhriz Siraliev-Perez in crowd
Edhriz Siraliev-Perez, Ph.D. (BCBP and Sondek lab alumni 2020)

Congratulations to Edhriz Siraliev-Perez, Ph.D. (alum 2020) who started a new position as a Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC) Reviewer for the FDA!

“I am happy to share that I am starting a new role as a Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC) reviewer within the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the FDA! As a member of the Office of Gene Therapy, I will contribute to the review of a broad spectrum of gene therapy products.

The organization is a little confusing, but it is essentially a Russian nesting doll.

So, from large to small the organization is as follows:
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Office of Therapeutic Products (OTP)
Office of Gene Therapy (OGT)”

Congratulations Dr. Edhriz Siraliev-Perez!