6 years ago
Thanksgiving Potluck Returns
The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics held a Thanksgiving Potluck on November 14.
6 years ago
The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics held a Thanksgiving Potluck on November 14.
6 years ago
Dale Ramsden, PhD, Prof. and Dir. of Graduate Studies for Biochemistry & Biophysics, and his colleagues published a major study in the journal Science revealing surprising findings about the way major breaks in our DNA are repaired.
6 years ago
UNC School of Medicine and Duke University researchers, led by Brian Button, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of Biochemistry & Biophysics, show why coughing can’t force mucus free from airways to help people battle cystic fibrosis and chronic bronchitis, and how new treatments could alter mucus to make coughing more therapeutic.
6 years ago
Sierra Archibald in Aziz Sancar lab works along side of senior researchers whose work focuses on DNA damage repair, cell cycle checkpoints, circadian clock.
6 years ago
Graduate students: AMY BYRNES, LIOR VERED, SHARON GUFFY, and PEDRO N. POZO gave their defenses this year.
6 years ago
One of the key strengths of our program is the ability for graduate students to become an integral part of planning committees such as the Diversity in STEM and coordinating other scientific events on campus.
6 years ago
Courtney Vaughn, MD-PhD student in the lab of Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD, was awarded the Scott Neil Schwirck fellowship.
6 years ago
Taking a short break from research and books Pumpkin Carving with graduate students.
6 years ago
Well wishers came to cheer on the finalists of the UNC Graduate School’s Three Minute Thesis competition in Bondurant Hall G100 Tuesday October 30. Of the ten finalists, three are are from UNC School of Medicine departments: Alex Chung in the Parise lab, and Susanna Harris and Bhawana Shrestha in microbiology and immunology. The Three Minute …
6 years ago
Sessions focused on RNA Structure and Dynamics, Cellular Microenvironments, Protein Engineering and Design, and Blood Coagulation.
6 years ago
In the Riordan lab, postdoctoral fellow Jonathan Fay, PhD, led experiments using single-particle cryoEM to discover...
6 years ago
The prize honors Sancar’s work mapping the cellular mechanisms that underlie DNA repair, which occurs every minute due to environmental factors. He credited his success to his many collaborators, and to UNC’s supportive environment.