5 years ago
We rank 4th nationally in NIH funding in 2018!
We received over $19.2 million in funding from NIH. We rank 4th among all Biochemistry departments & the 2nd highest among public institutions.
5 years ago
We received over $19.2 million in funding from NIH. We rank 4th among all Biochemistry departments & the 2nd highest among public institutions.
5 years ago
Carolina has again surpassed $1 billion in annual research and development expenditures.
6 years ago
Congratulations to Justin Rectenwald a graduate student in Biochemistry and Biophysics, who was awarded the Diane Harris Leadership Award for exemplary public service.
6 years ago
$3-million instrument will bring exciting new capabilities to researchers across the university and others in the RTP area. The Talos Artica will be the centerpiece of the new cryoEM core facility, directed by Joshua Strauss, PhD.
6 years ago
The lab of William Marzluff, PhD, UNC Kenan Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry & Biophysics will collaborate with Cell Microsystems on gene editing projects to speed up the use of CRISPR workflows in lab experiments.
6 years ago
This year’s lecture honoring the 2018-19 Oliver Smithies Investigators Dr. Joseph Eron and Dr. Brian Kuhlman. The Oliver Smithies Investigators Program was created to honor Dr. Oliver Smithies, PhD, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine (2007) and a distinguished faculty member at UNC for more than 25 years.
6 years ago
We appreciate our graduate students for all thier hard work and accomplishments to teaching and research! Graduate students come and enjoy your week of events here at BCBP. We are glad to have you all here! (Most of our events are not limited just to graduate students and we’d love to share these activities with faculty, staff, and post-docs!)
6 years ago
Dr. Carter has been working to unravel some of the biggest mysteries of molecular evolution — that is, how exactly did life on Earth as we know it rise from the primordial, chemical-laden soup four billion years ago. In particular, he investigates how information flows from genes to proteins found in living organisms via genetic coding.
6 years ago
Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD, the winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and the Sarah Graham Kenan Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, gifted one of 3 replicas of the Nobel Prize medal UNC. It is now on display in the newly installed numismatics exhibit at the Wilson Special Collections Library.
6 years ago
The LLS grant will enable Wang lab to carry out unbiased oncogene target screening and shift towards new therapies of hematological malignancies.
6 years ago
Congratulations to our 2018 Staff Excellence Award winners, Carolyn M. Clabo, Communications and Development Manager, and Ming Jing Wu PhD, Neher Lab Manager for their teamwork, creativity and innovation, positive attitude, enthusiasm, productivity, flexibility and leadership.
6 years ago
The UNC School of Medicine selected professors from the departments of medicine and biochemistry & biophysics for the annual award in honor of the late Oliver Smithies, UNC’s first Nobel Prize winner.