Enhancing Core Visibility
- ORT can assist you with setting up a basic School of Medicine website for core facilities which can be customized and scaled to fit your needs.
- For core facilities that are not in the School of Medicine, UNC provides self-service web publishing for UNC sites using a WordPress platform. ORT can assist with setting up a UNC site for your core. Learn more at the Web.dot UNC site
- Don’t be intimidated by complicated web design! The SOM has developed a great WordPress User Guide for developing a user friendly and customizable website.
- We can help with promoting and publicizing so that you have the best chance to reach your target audience. Contact us with information about the event and we can work with you get the word out.
- Please read through the SOM Vendor Relationships Policy on the Policies and Guidelines page if your event involves working with a vendor.
There are several sites where you can (for free!) list your core facility and services you offer for external customers
- Send us an e-mail or discuss it with your CFAC representative–we would love to hear your ideas!