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We know cores need ongoing financial resources to continue their success.  We have curated a list of funding sources cores may find useful in deciding what grant submission strategies best suit their needs.  If you would like to add a funding source to this list, please e-mail us at

Grant Mentorship Program

ORT Grant Mentorship Program

Are you interested in applying for this NCBC grant, an NIH S10 (BIG, SIG, or HEI), NSF MRI, or other funding mechanism, but would like to improve your grantsmanship, learn tips and tricks, and have assistance in navigating the grant submission process? The Office of Research Technologies is beginning a Core Director Grant Mentorship Program. ORT will pair a core director who wants to submit a grant with a peer core director who has successfully been awarded grants through the same mechanism or within the same field. Your mentor will help you navigate the funding process, develop a clear plan, and provide a second set of eyes and ears to discuss the finer points of grantsmanship.

If you are interested in being a mentee OR a mentor, please reach out to Kara Clissold at

Additional Resources:

ABRF Town Hall

NIH S10 Grant Applications for Shared Instrumentation:  Tips, Tidbits, and Informed Suggestions
February 15-16, 2023

Part 1: Developing the Foundation – Timeline, Who, What, When, Where, How (recording)

Part 2: Writing the Proposal – Essentials for Each Section  (recording)

(Combined slide presentation)

CFAC/ORT Fund Sources

The CFAC Fall RFA is closed for submissions.

CFAC Winter/Spring RFA
The CFAC Winter/Spring RFA is closed for submissions

CFAC Emergency Funds
CFAC provides emergency funds for cores year-round. We aim for a 2-business day turn-around time for all emergency requests.

Apply here
CFAC Matching Funds and Cost-Sharing Requests
CFAC provides cores with matching funds to enhance the competitiveness of submissions for NIH, NSF, NCBC, and other funding sources. Please use the following form to submit these requests. We encourage core directors to submit these requests during RFA cycles, but may be submitted at any time.

Submission Form
ORT Discretionary Funds
ORT provides funds for small in-house core projects

More Information
CFAC Voucher Program
CFAC’s voucher program supports generation of pilot data and new method development in UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine core facilities for UNC Chapel Hill PIs and trainees.

More Information

Institutional Fund Sources

OVCR Cost-Sharing Funds
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) contributes matching funds, or cost-share, for costs related to enhancing research at UNC. The OVCR will consider cost-share funding requests for the following:

  1. Extramural grant proposals that require matching funds
  2. New technologies that facilitate the advancement of research at the university
  3. Other specific needs that are of strategic importance to research for the university

It is typically expected that the OVCR will not provide more than 1/3 the cost of the instrumentation.


For information about applying for these funds contact Meghan Kraft at

NC TraCS Pilot Program
While these grants cannot be applied to directly by core facilities, they can be used to pay for services at core facilities. If you have a PI interested in funding pilot data please share this opportunity.

NC TraCS Pilot Program

External Fund Sources

External Instrumentation, Infrastructure, and Other Funding


Core Facility Staff Funding

CFAC Core Director and Staff Travel Awards
This travel award supports conference, symposium, and other other professional development attendance for directors and staff within UNC Chapel Hill core facilities.

More information
Employee Forum's Professional Development Grant
This grant provides permanent University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill employees additional funding to help cover professional development opportunities. The grant covers work-related education and training and can be used for conferences, certificates, non-credit classes, or similar instructional opportunities.

More information
Janet B. Royster Memorial Staff Scholarship
This scholarship provides assistance towards earning a degree or other professional certification. The scholarship is designed to help a UNC employee become more effective, in either the applicant’s current position, or to prepare the applicant for promotion within the UNC system.

More information