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Windy Pulliam manages all appointments at the UNC Center for Facial Aesthetics. She has worked in the field of facial aesthetics for almost 20 years. Windy works hard to make the scheduling process as efficient and comfortable as possible for patients

coming to the UNC Center for Facial Aesthetics. She also works with patients with regards to billing for procedures and services not covered by health insurance to make this process as transparent and streamlined as possible for patients.

Windy has been a familiar face working with facial plastic and reconstructive surgery for almost 20 years. She loves working hard to make the scheduling and billing process as efficient and comfortable as possible for patients coming to the UNC Center for Facial Aesthetics. You will speak with Windy by phone to coordinate a consultation and follow up visits/procedures at the UNC Center for Facial Aesthetics, and she will greet you at each of your appointments.

Outside of work, Windy enjoys concerts, travel, and spending time with her family and dog, Max.

Windy Pulliam Headshot