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What conditions can be treated with a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels can help target a variety of skin concerns, like acne, signs of aging, hyperpigmentation and photo damage, as well as target specific concerns on the face, hands, back & chest, eyes, and neck. Each non-invasive procedure helps support collagen production and resurfacing the skin to maintain optimal skin health.

What happens during the treatment?

Chemical peels help remove damaged skin cells, allowing healthy skin to take its place to reveal brighter, smoother and renewed skin.

What can I expect during a chemical peel?

Each peel procedure takes around 20 minutes depending on the type of peel and number of layers applied. During the procedure, a mild tingling, itching or heating sensation may be temporarily experienced.


If you would like to schedule a consultation at the UNC Center for Facial Aesthetics, please call 984-974-2255 to make an appointment.