Within the department of Neurology, UNC undergraduates are offered the opportunity to join faculty research labs. One such lab is Dr. Boerwinkle’s RS-fMRI Lab which supports several undergraduate students – like Aryan Kodali.
Kodali recently applied for the UNC 2024 Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship with the proposal “NeuroConnect – An Integrative Analysis of resting state fMRI and 3D Anatomical Mapping for Pathway Specific Insights“. Kodali won the top cash prize stipend and will be presenting his project a next year’s Undergraduate Research Symposium.
The Boerwinkle RS-fMRI Lab also has several undergraduates presenting at the Celebration of Undergraduate Research Symposium on Monday, April 29th, from 2:30 – 5:30pm in the Alumni Hall at the George Watts Hill alumni Center on Campus Drive.
- Facial Pain Project: Ellora Srabani, Aryan Kodali
- Retrospective ABI Project: Meitra Kazemi, Ben Garside
- Interrater Reliability Project: Maithili Kulkarni, Sriya Darsi