On Wednesday, February 10th, UNC Radiology’s Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) program was pleased to virtually host Lily M. Belfi, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology and Director of Medical Student Education in the Division of Emergency and Musculoskeletal Imaging at Weill Cornell Medical College. UNC Radiology UME teaching faculty and UNC School of Medicine RADY elective takers showed up in strong numbers. Nearly all RADY course takers on service this rotation were in attendance!
Well-established and published in radiology education, Dr. Belfi shared with our virtual audience the online resource she created in 2014 for radiology educators and learners alike — the Clinical Radiologist Educator Alliance for Teaching Excellence (C.R.E.A.T.E.) program. C.R.E.A.T.E. brings radiology educators together to exchange ideas, to improve teaching strategies, and to create web-based, peer-reviewed educational materials collaboratively. C.R.E.A.T.E. benefits learners via a range of blended learning resources that are highly self-directed (Clinical Approach RadCast Series), procedurally intensive (iRAD), and engaging (RadGames).
UNC Radiology’s UME program uses C.R.E.A.T.E. curriculum heavily in both onsite and virtual radiology classes. Dr. Belfi explained how a range of C.R.E.A.T.E. modules are structured, discussed artistic influences on choice-based modules (eg, Choose Your Own Adventure children’s literature series), and emphasized the importance of including pediatric material in every module. She took time in concluding to answer questions on modules used for UNC Radiology RADY teaching and to show us some of her favorite ones — chest radiography!
All in attendance benefitted greatly from our guest radiology education expert’s discussion of the readily available tools and innovative mindset that we must tap to optimize our roles as radiology educators and learners. Thank you, Dr. Belfi!
Sheryl G. Jordan, MD
Undergraduate Medical Education (UME)