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Jill Dowen
Jill Dowen, PhD

First published on June 9, 2021

We congratulate Dr. Jill Dowen, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry and Biophysics and Biology for being named the Well-being Liaison for the department. This is an important new position initiated and supported by the UNC School of Medicine. In this role, Dr. Dowen will “work with Departments and School of Medicine leaders to support a learning, training, and working environment in which members of the community thrive”.

The liaison will work closely with the School of Medicine Well-being Committee Chair, the Integrated Well-being Program’s Operational Team, the Faculty Affairs and Diversity Leadership Committee, the Office of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development, and the Department’s Diversity Liaison Dr. Silvia Ramos and the Diversity Council.

Stay tuned for information on wellness-related programming and resources available to students, staff and faculty and an assessment of our community needs.

Another excellent program is the Wellness Champions!