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Graduate Student Appreciation Week is the week of April 4 through 8. Biochemistry and Biophysics staff and students have planned a week filled with exciting events.

We would like to give a big shout-out to the BCBP social chairs for helping plan fun events. Thank you, Amelia McCue, Gage Leighton, Maria, and Alex!!!

Monday @ 10:00 am in GMB 3014
Grab and go biscuit breakfast (while supplies last)
Tuesday @ 12:30 pm on GMB lawn
BCBP and MCBP pizza mixer with lawn games
Wednesday @ 5:00 pm in MBRB G202
Student hosted trivia night
Thursday @ 2:0 0pm on GMB lawn
T-shirt tie dye and desserts
Friday @ 12:30 pm on GMB lawn
BCBP student lunch

Students will receive a raffle ticket for each event they attend for various prizes. Winners will be drawn on Friday after our last event.
Watch student listserv for all the details. Thank you for all that you do!