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Talin-1 is the principal platelet Rap1 effector of integrin activation


Recent Blood paper publication, collaborated with Mark Ginsberg, MD at UCSD to identify a unique mechanism regulating integrin-mediated platelet adhesion at sites of vascular injury:

Wofgang Bergmeier, PhD and David Paul, PhD are co-authors on this study, showing that the small GTPase directly interacts with the cytoskeletal adapter protein, talin, to trigger integrin activation following platelet stimulation. This mechanism is unique as other blood cells depend on an intermediary protein that links Rap1 and talin. It is likely that this is an adaptation by platelets to be able to make firm adhesive contacts in a high shear environment. A better understanding of how platelet integrin function is regulated could lead to the development of better anti platelet drugs.

photo of David S. Paul PhD Research Associate
David S. Paul PhD
Wolfgang Bergmeier, PhD
Wolfgang Bergmeier, PhD

View full publication at link below:

Talin-1 is the principal platelet Rap1 effector of integrin activation