Congratulations to Thomas Mullen, a graduate student of Biochemistry & Biophysics, for receiving the 2008 Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award in the area of Biological and Life Sciences.
Tom is a graduate of Northeastern University where he received his B.S. in Biology and of the University of Connecticut where he received is M.S. in Pathobiology. He joined our department as a doctoral student in Fall of 2003 and is currently a member of Dr. William Marzluff’s lab.
Tom’s is being honored for his dissertation, titled: “Pathway of Histone mRNA Dedgradation: Oligouridylation followed by Bidirectional Decay.” As the winner of the highly competitive Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award, Tom will receive an invitation to the Graduate School’s Student Recognition Event which will be held on April 3, 2008. At the event, he will be presented with an honorarium of $1,000 and a recognition plaque. The department is very proud of Tom’s well deserved achievement and wish him all the best in his Dissertation Defense, scheduled for 3pm on Monday, March 17, 2008 in 408 Mary Ellen Jones.