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Verdict of Chauvin’s trial

All Department members,

History is made of small facts and occurrences that when they become synchronous and impactful enough are noticed and marked as ‘historical moment’. This is the context that I see the positive full conviction of the policeman act against Mr. Floyd as it unfolded last night. One of the main actions that was different in this trial was the almost 10 minutes of video by a young brave teenager woman documenting Mr. Floyd encounter with the police. We, as scientists, can only publish our papers and new discoveries upon data collection and documentation, thus it seems logical to us the final guilty verdict.

As I released in our BCBP statement exactly one year ago: ‘Regardless of what we see, our action and attitude may matter more than words, now more than ever.’ Thus, today is a celebration day of this historical moment, let’s celebrating this by executing in our offices, labs and zoom settings an environment that rejects racism and discrimination, by embracing diversity and inclusiveness at all levels in our community.



The Diversity Liaison for BCBP

Silvia B. Ramos, MD Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics

Ramos Lab: 204 Fordham Hall Office: 241 Wilson Hall (919) 962-5301 Chapel Hill, NC, 27599

BCBP DEI Town Hall interest survey

Please see the Qualtrics survey link in an email from Carolyn dated 4/21/2021. We are planning another DEI focused Town Hall. Please share your opinion. Our BIAS 101 introduction to Implicit Bias training FOR ALL BCBP members will be held on Thursday 4/22/2021 at 12 noon during the time slot for the faculty meeting.

We invite our BCBP faculty (obligatory to receive bias training in 2020-2021 academic year), and also extend our invitation to everyone interested, undergraduate and graduate students, staff, post-docs and actual people who work with us in lab, including research staff & research technicians. Joint and Adjunct faculty and Lineberger labs also encouraged to participate. This virtual training session on 4/22 will NOT be recorded. See email from Lynn Ray for the zoom link. Event organized by Silvia Ramos.

Links to resources

University’s Dean of Students team, the Office for Diversity and Inclusion,
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) or Student Wellness. CAPS also facilitates the Multicultural
Health Program, including counseling and events for the Black, Indigenous and People of Color
community. Employees are encouraged to utilize the Employee Assistance Program or access these