Meet Your Team
The UNC Adult CF Center was one of the first established adult centers and remains one of the largest. It has been a leader in training adult pulmonologists in the care of CF patients, and has been responsible for the training of many adult CF specialists across the country. Currently, adult CF patients are typically assigned to one of five CF faculty and twelve pulmonary fellows. Fellows are closely supervised by dedicated CF faculty physicians. In the near future, an advanced practice provider will also begin seeing adult CF patients in our clinic. This group of care providers are typically involved in all phases of your care, and will strive to provide continuity during transitions between home, clinic, and hospital environments.
In accordance with guidelines from the CF Foundation, we aim to have a minimum of quarterly visits (every three months) and additional visits around acute illnesses. Frequent visits of this sort help to identify any problems that may be developing even in the absence of symptoms (decline in lung function, development of CF-related diabetes, nutritional problems, liver disease, etc.) and work with you to identify and meet your health goals. Visits around the time of disease exacerbations are critical to ensure you are on the right course of treatment and have regained as much lung function as possible around these important health events. At all of your visits, our multidisciplinary team will be present and available to ensure that your care is truly comprehensive.
It is our goal to work with you to achieve the best possible health and quality of life. To reach this goal, it is important to establish a good working relationship with your CF provider. We believe that good communication and clear expectations from each other are critical components to being an effective team to help you live long, healthy lives.
Faculty Providers:
Scott Donaldson (Director)
Jennifer Goralski (Associate Director)
Ric Boucher
Ray Coakley
Leigh Anne Daniels
Michael Knowles
Subha Sellers
Laura Beth Rupcich, PA
Fellow Providers:
Benjamin Demarco
Katherine Despotes
Maxwell Diddams
Scott Vasher
Matthew Hunsucker
Amanda Kovacich
Adam Schwartz
Benjamin Sines
Cedric Munoz
Hitesh (Heath) Patel
Kunal Jakharia
Nursing Providers:
Nicole Bingham, RN, BSN
Nancy Efland, RN, BSN
Seyram Fudzie, PharmD, MPH, BCPS
Morgan C. Jones, CPP
Courtney Busby, RD
Alannah Mascarella, MPH, RD, LDN
Social Work:
Krista Wendel, MSW, LCSW
Amy Nester, LCSW
Respiratory Therapy:
Donna Enloe, RRT