UNC Neurology is please to announce the promotion of Dr. Diana Cejas from Clinical Assistant Professor to Clinical Associate Professor based on excellence in clinical activity.

Dr. Cejas is a member of the Child Neurology Division and is dually appointed with the Carolina Institute of Developmental Disabilities. Dr. Cejas supports both the Health Care Transition Clinic and the Rhett Syndrome Clinic. Her areas of interest include healthcare transition for youth with intellectual and neurodevelopmental disabilities, health equity, and patient advocacy for young adults with disabilities.
Dr. Cejas earned a Doctor of Medicine from Howard University in 2010, and a Master of Public Health from George Washington University in 2014. She completed her Child Neurology residency program at the University of Chicago Comer Children’s Hospital in 2017. Dr. Cejas became a Clinical Assistant Professor on the fixed term track in the UNC-Chapel Hill, Department of Neurology in 2017.