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Dr. Amol Yadav is an Assistant Professor in the UNC-NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC-Chapel Hill. He earned his PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2015 from Duke University in the laboratory of Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, where he developed tools to advance brain-machine interfaces using spinal cord neuromodulation, and pioneered technologies such as brain-spine interfaces, multi-animal brain-nets and closed-loop stimulation.

As a postdoctoral scholar in Duke Neurosurgery, he was awarded the Germinator Research Award for his translational neuromodulation work in non-human primates and human subjects. In 2023, he received the prestigious NIH Director’s New Innovator award ($2.33 million) and was also the recipient of the K12 Early Career Investigator award (relinquished) from NIH-NCATS. He leads the Brain-Spine-Machine Interfaces Lab, which aims to develop neural interfaces for augmentation, restoration, and modulation of sensorimotor function in pre-clinical animal models and human subjects using neuroprosthetics and brain-machine interfaces.

His research lies at the intersection of Neuroscience and Engineering, and his lab specializes in spinal cord stimulation, high-density neural recording, computational modeling, behavioral experimentation in rodents and human clinical trials with invasive technologies. To advance translational ideas and to bridge the gap between pre-clinical and clinical research, the lab collaborates with surgeons, clinicians, basic scientists, and other engineers.

Assistant Professor


PhD – Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, 2015
MS – Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, 2010


Rehabilitation Engineering
Neural engineering

NIH Director’s New Innovator Award – 2023 – National Institutes of Health
K12 Early Career Investigator – 2023 – Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences (relinquished)
Germinator Research Award – 2019 – Duke Institute of Brain Sciences

Amol Yadav, PhD, MS