What to Bring to Your Appointment
Please have your UNC medical record number and the name of your referring physician.
On the day of your appointment, it is important that you bring the following items:
- Insurance information
- A list of all of your medications with dosing schedule or bring the actual medicine bottles
- All imaging studies, such as X-rays, CT, MRI, etc. (either on a CD or hard copy X-rays). Important note: If you come to your appointment without the necessary imaging studies, the physician will be unable to see you, and your appointment will need to be rescheduled. The physician needs to see all of the necessary information to make the visit a productive one. To request copies of your medical records, X-rays and imaging, please contact the Medical Information Management Department at (984) 974-3226. For more information, please visit the Medical Records website.
- A list of all your allergies
- A list of your current medical conditions
- Name and phone/fax numbers of your Primary Care Physician (PCP)
- Name, address and phone/fax numbers of your pharmacy