Clinical Training Opportunities
An overview of elective rotations
Health Psychology and Neuropsychology
Interns on the abdominal transplant rotation primarily conduct pre-surgical psychosocial evaluations for patients being evaluated for kidney, liver, and/or pancreas transplants. We also evaluate some potential kidney or liver donors. These evaluations are comprehensive semi-structured interviews which examine mental health, substance use, adherence to medical regimens, understanding of the transplant process, and social support. Brief screens (PHQ-9, GAD-7) can be used, as well as occasional neurocognitive screens (MoCA). Patients are followed both prior to transplant (initial evaluations and annual follow-ups) and after transplant (as needed for kidney, and at 1 month, 6 month, and 12 months post-transplant for liver). Evaluations are typically completed outpatient but may be done urgently inpatient if patients become too sick to be evaluated on an outpatient basis. We can also follow patients for brief counseling, if necessary, either outpatient or while hospitalized, but therapy is not a primary focus of this rotation. Interns may also attend a multidisciplinary selection meeting to learn how decisions are made regarding whether to list a patient for transplant. If a patient the intern has evaluated is presented for listing, they will gain experience presenting to the multidisciplinary team (physicians, surgeons, nurse coordinators, pharmacists, nutritionists, etc.). Optional experiences (depending on interest and scheduling) include co-leading a pre-transplant liver support group, providing brief weight loss evaluations for patients trying to lose weight to qualify for transplant and observing a transplant surgery.
Supervisors: John Taylor Freeman, PhD, Jessica Diket, PsyD, Matthew Schooler, PsyD
The adult C/L Psychology service provides psychological services to medical inpatients across UNC Hospitals (UNCH) at Chapel Hill. As a consult service, C/L Psychology services are requested by patients’ primary medical teams or by the C/L Psychiatry service. Common reasons for referral include adjustment to acute and/or chronic severe medical conditions, coping with hospitalization, enhancing engagement in care, concern for mood disorders, diagnostic clarification, and behavioral disturbance. The C/L Psychology service works closely with multidisciplinary providers, including physicians, nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals to coordinate care.
Supervisor: Lisa Stewart, PsyD
The UNC Bariatric Surgery Program is housed within the Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery at UNC. This multidisciplinary program is headed by three gastrointestinal surgeons and includes a nurse practitioner, several dieticians, three clinical psychologists, and a nurse coordinator. Patients who are interested in pursuing weight loss surgery are required to have visits with all providers within the program to determine candidacy for surgery and then to continue with follow-up visits afterward. Interns in this service will primarily participate in the evaluation and diagnosis of pre-surgical bariatric candidates and consultation with the multidisciplinary team under the supervision of the team’s clinical psychologists. The intern will have the opportunity to co-facilitate group therapy session(s) for post-surgical patients during regularly scheduled (monthly) meeting times. Depending on availability, the intern may also have the opportunity to provide brief individual interventions to post-surgical patients struggling with a unique range of psychosocial challenges. Research opportunities in bariatrics may also be available for the interested intern.
Supervisor: Christine Peat, PhD
The Eating Disorder Diagnostic Clinic housed within the UNC Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders (CEED). Patients are referred to the Diagnostic Clinic from a variety of sources (e.g., pediatricians, primary care providers, therapists, self-referral) from both within UNC Health and the larger community. Evaluations in the Diagnostic Clinic aim to: rule in/rule out eating pathology, render an accurate eating disorder diagnosis, and provide recommendations for evidence-based intervention depending on the presentation and symptom severity. Interns will have the opportunity to: learn about eating disorder diagnosis and care coordination in a diverse sample of patients; work with medically complex and socioeconomically underserved populations; develop foundational skills in rapid, efficient assessment of eating disorders (and differential diagnosis); participate in treatment planning and care coordination; develop consultative skills in working with other healthcare disciplines/professions.
The interested intern will develop core skills in eating disorder assessment, and the rotation is designed to train both interns who hope to specialize and those who plan to work in other fields/specialties outside of eating disorders.
Supervisor: Christine Peat, PhD
The UNC Hepatology Program is dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary treatment approach for patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), metabolic dysfunction steatohepatitis (MASH), and liver cirrhosis. Interns in this service work closely with the supervisor to co-lead and lead individual health behavior assessments and health behavior intervention sessions with patients with liver disease and a wide range of comorbidities. H&B sessions utilize psychoeducation, motivational enhancement, CBT, mindfulness, and acceptance-based strategies to support healthy lifestyle modification and behavioral weight loss. There are opportunities to shadow hepatologists, nurse practitioners, GI nutritionists, or clinical pharmacists in multidisciplinary clinics.
Supervisor: Donna Evon, PhD
The Behavioral Medicine/Transplant Psychology rotation is designed to offer interns a comprehensive experience in the assessment and treatment of adult patients with end-stage heart and/or lung disease who are pursuing transplant and/or left ventricular assist device (LVAD) placement. This track allows interns to work on a multidisciplinary team in a large academic medical center and gain experience working with individuals with acute onset and chronic health conditions from diverse backgrounds pursuing life-saving treatment options. Interns will have the opportunity to gain extensive knowledge about many end-stage diseases, consultation in an academic medical center, transplant psychology, and evidence-based interventions to help improve the psychological functioning and quality of life of individuals who are pre- and post-transplant and LVAD and their caregivers.
Supervisor: Eileen Burker, PhD
The Carolina Athletics Mental Health and Performance Psychology Program provides mental health care and sport psychology services to UNC’s 880 Varsity student-athletes. MHPP serves a diverse college student population with a wide range of presenting concerns and provides both brief and long-term therapy. As part of the Sports Medicine Department, there is consistent collaboration and coordination of care across disciplines. MHPP is also involved in education, outreach, and programming within UNC Athletics. Interns will develop a strong foundation and core skills in collegiate athlete mental health, and the rotation is designed to train interns interested in working with college students, athletes, or high performers in other domains. Interns will have the opportunity to: develop an understanding of the nuances of mental health care in a collegiate athletics population; learn about the role of sport and performance psychology; collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of mental health professionals, athletic trainers, registered dietitians, and physicians; develop a strong generalist skill set with a wide range of presenting concerns in a diverse population; develop foundational skills in treating athlete-centered concerns, such as injury, medical retirement, concussion, body image, identity, and transition; and participate in team sport psychology sessions, group sessions, and outreach.
Supervisors: Jeni Shannon, PhD and Brendan Carr, PhD
Interns on this service will perform clinical interviews and provide neuropsychological screenings and comprehensive assessments to pediatric and adult patients with a variety of diagnoses, including stroke, sports concussion, TBI, dementia, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, autoimmune disease, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, oncology (including “chemobrain”), long COVID, symptom exaggeration, and other medical and/or psychiatric conditions with associated cognitive impairments. Interns may also have the opportunity to see retired professional football players for clinical evaluation, depending on the dates they choose for their rotation. Interns will become familiar with the common cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical sequelae of a variety of medical diagnoses and functional disorders; learn to administer, score, and interpret neuropsychological tests and screening instruments; interview patients and families; integrate data from medical records, the clinical interview, behavioral observations, and test results in written reports; generate meaningful recommendations to inform patient care; and provide feedback to patients, family members, and referral source. Focus of training is negotiable. Supervision will be in vivo but includes optional didactics, which will be held at least twice a month. Responsibilities for supervision may be shared between multiple supervisors, again dependent upon the day(s) of the week the intern is available for clinic.
Supervisors: Karla Thompson, PhD, Matthew Harris, PhD, Robert Kanser, PhD, Hannah Allen, PhD, Pete Duquette, PhD
Developmental Disabilities
The TEACCH Autism Program is a clinical service and professional training program that serves autistic individuals of all ages and their families. Treatment in TEACCH focuses on multiple evidence-based approaches. The program promotes an integrated approach to the individual’s school or work and home environment. Opportunities for interns at TEACCH include the following options:
- Chapel Hill TEACCH Center: There are a variety of diagnostic and treatment experiences available for interns interested in working with autistic individuals of all ages.
- Diagnostic evaluations of children, adolescents, and adults referred due to suspected ASD; many are diagnostically complex. The intern will utilize assessment instruments specifically designed for determining a diagnosis of ASD, as well as providing diagnostic information and recommendations to clients and families.
- Group interventions for autistic individuals and their families. Groups incorporate CBT, DBT, and other evidence-based strategies for autism. The intervention groups focus on teaching a variety of social communication, independence, emotional understanding, and emotional-control skills.
- Individual interventions for autistic individuals and their families, including family training sessions for child and adolescent clients and individual therapy for autistic adults. Training opportunities also include support groups for autistic adults.
- Carolina Living and Learning Center: The CLLC is a model residential and vocational program for autistic adults, operated by TEACCH in a farm setting in Pittsboro, NC, about 20 minutes from Chapel Hill. The intern will join the consulting psychologist in the development and monitoring of behavior support plans, the assessment of cognitive and adaptive living skills, monthly documentation, and consultation on programs for personal, domestic, and vocational skill development. The intern will also participate as a member of the interdisciplinary treatment team in meetings, including annual program planning, and will prepare and present materials to the Clinical Advisory Board/Human Rights Committee. Interns will learn about the application of Structured TEACCHing and other evidence-based intervention procedures for working with autistic adults.
Supervisors: Tamara Dawkins, PhD; Katherine Korelitz, PhD; Mary Beth Van Bourgondien, PhD; Signe Naftel, PhD; Carment Caruthers, PhD; Laura Klinger, PhD
Adult Autism Clinic
CIDD’s Adult Autism Clinic (AAC) offers diagnostic evaluations for adults. Often this clinic focuses on evaluating autism spectrum disorder in individuals who have struggled to succeed in school, vocationally, and socially. Many of these persons have been misidentified as having psychiatric diagnoses and/or have unidentified co-occurring autism spectrum disorder. An important element of evaluations for older adolescents or young adults is to assist in helping them transition from school and home-based services to adult educational, residential, and vocational services. This clinic is held twice per month.
Supervisor: Melissa Beck, PhD
Behavioral Medicine Clinic
CIDD’s Behavior Medicine Clinic (BMC) is an interdisciplinary evaluation and treatment service for children, adolescents, and adults with underlying neurodevelopmental disabilities co-occurring with complex behavioral and/or psychiatric challenges. The evaluation and treatment team includes a psychologist and a physician trained in both pediatrics and psychiatry. Common referral concerns include assistance with self-injurious behaviors, disabling ritualistic behaviors, difficulties surrounding obsessive/narrow areas of interest, anxiety, depression, PICA, and explosive/aggressive behaviors. Evaluation services are problem-focused. Diagnostic clarification of the underlying developmental disability is not the area of focus in this clinic. Intervention services can include but would not be limited to the development of a detailed behavioral management plan, psychopharmacologic consultation, and collaborative institution of all recommendations with the family and community providers as appropriate. Consultation with the patient/family will vary from one visit to a longer period of co-management with the family and/or community provider as appropriate. This clinic is held on a weekly basis.
Supervisor: Jean Mankowski, PhD
The Early Childhood Clinic
CIDD’s Early Childhood Clinic (ECC) offers diagnostic evaluations for children up to 6 years of age. The primary purpose of this clinic is to determine whether the child meets the criteria for autism spectrum disorder or other developmental disorders. The team consists of a licensed psychologist and a licensed speech-language pathologist. One of the attending SLPs is fluent in Spanish. Professionals from other disciplines are included as needed based on the referral questions. Evaluations for ASD typically use the ADOS-2, Vineland-3, diagnostic interviewing, developmental testing, and administration of other questionnaires as appropriate. Parents/caregivers are provided an interpretive conference regarding the evaluation results, strategies to address their referral concerns, and the opportunity to return for follow-up consultation and parent training/therapy. A report of the findings and recommendations is tailored to the family’s needs. This clinic is held weekly.
Supervisors: Melissa Beck, PhD & Rebecca Grzadzinski, PhD
Hearing and Development Clinic
The HDC offers diagnostic evaluations of individuals of all ages who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing in combination with developmental concerns. The primary purpose of the clinic is to better understand a child’s global developmental profile and provide relevant recommendations for treatment. Typical referral concerns include speech, language, or learning difficulties, developmental or intellectual delays, autism spectrum disorders, and/or concerns regarding socialization, communication, or sensory dysfunction. The team consists of an audiologist, speech-language pathologists, a psychologist, a learning specialist, and occupational therapy as needed based on referral concerns. At the conclusion of the interdisciplinary assessments an interpretive conference is provided for parents/caretakers to explain the results of the evaluation and strategies to address referral concerns. A report is provided along with assistance in identifying local resources. This clinic is held twice per month.
Supervisor: Jean Mankowski, PhD
Pediatric Neuropsychology Clinic
CIDD’s Pediatric Neuropsychology Clinic focuses on neuropsychological assessment of children and adolescents with neurological illness, medical illnesses and disorders, genetic disorders, psychiatric illness and behavior problems, brain injury, developmental disabilities, and complex learning issues. Individuals are referred to the clinic from a variety of sources, including neurology, nephrology, oncology, pediatric rehab, and local school systems. Neuropsychological assessment describes brain-behavior relationships by assessing multiple cognitive domains and relating a patient’s performance, within these domains, to neuroanatomical and neurophysiological principles. A typical clinic day begins with a parent/child interview to clarify questions and concerns, followed by three to five hours of assessment. Interpretive sessions may take place on another day in order to have time to score all assessments, develop the diagnostic formulation, and select appropriate treatments and recommendations. Interns participate in all aspects of the clinic and gradually move into more independence in interviewing, battery development, and formulation. Interns participating in this clinic will be exposed to a wide range of clinical presentations, semi-structured clinical interviewing, neuropsychological testing procedures, interpretation of data, clinical interpretive with clients and family members, report writing, and community consultation and information sharing as requested by the families. This clinic is held twice per month.
Supervisor: Heather Hazlett, PhD
The School-Age Autism Clinic
The CIDD’s School-Age Autism Clinic (SAAC) offers diagnostic evaluations for children and adolescents. The primary purpose of this clinic is to determine whether the child meets criteria for autism spectrum disorder, and differential diagnosis of other possible neurodevelopmental and/or psychiatric conditions. The team also provides consultation to families regarding tailored recommendations for interventions and supports. Evaluations typically consist of reviewing records, diagnostic interviewing, observational assessment (including the ADOS-2 when appropriate), measures of cognitive and adaptive functioning, and administration of questionnaires as needed. This clinic is held twice per month.
Supervisor: Melissa Beck, PhD
The School Age Team
CIDD’s School Age Team (SAT) is the most comprehensive interdisciplinary clinic provided by the CIDD. Children and adolescents aged 3-21 who are struggling with a variety of different types of learning, developmental, social and/or behavioral/emotional concerns are referred to the SAT for evaluation. Currently, children and their caregivers spend a full day with CIDD faculty (representing up to 11 different disciplines). Consultation, interviewing, and standardized assessments are conducted, as appropriate. All clinicians participate in a team meeting following the evaluations to discuss findings and develop a plan for the child and family. Results are provided on the same day to the family. This clinic is held twice per month.
Supervisor: Jean Mankowski, PhD
Group-Based Young Adult Social Skills Training
The Social Skills Group Clinic is a recurring 8-week group-based social skills training program. The group runs once during the Fall and once during the Spring. The group focuses on social cognition (understanding the intentions of others) and social skills (improving social behaviors) and relies on structured didactics, videos, and role-plays. The group is open to those with a formal diagnosis that impacts their social abilities (such as autism spectrum disorder or ADHD) and those simply wishing to improve their social skills. The group is geared towards older teenagers and young adults, and most participants are in high school.
Supervisor: Gabriel Dichter, PhD
Genetic Syndrome Clinics (offered less frequently)
Angelman & Duplication 15 Syndrome Clinics
This clinic occurs once a month multidisciplinary clinic serving individuals with AS or Dup15 and their families across NC and surrounding states. Angelman Syndrome is a genetic disorder originating from the maternal leg of chromosome 15 which results in severe/profound intellectual disabilities, minimal speech, seizures, and an unusual happy demeanor. Duplication 15 Syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by motor delays, epilepsy, and a high likelihood of intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. The clinic team is comprised of psychology, neurology, psychiatry, speech/language, nutrition, PT, OT, medicine, and genetic counseling. A medical consultation model is used in providing support to families who come to the clinic. Typically, 2-3 individuals and their caregivers are seen each month.
Supervisor: Anne Wheeler, PhD
Neurogenetics Clinic
CIDD’s Neurogenetics Disorders clinic is an interdisciplinary evaluation service for children, adolescents, and adults with genetic syndromes or documented chromosomal abnormalities associated with developmental disabilities (e.g., Fragile X Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Down Syndrome, 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, and others). The clinic team comprises psychology, neurology, and speech/language disciplines. The clinical team assesses cognitive strengths and weaknesses, neurologic concerns, sensory processing differences, and speech/ language concerns that may be part of a genetic disorder. After the clinic visit, a report will be provided with recommendations for local resources. Ongoing monitoring and consultation will be available for clinic patients if needed. This clinic is held once per month.
Supervisor: Heather Hazlett, PhD
Prader-Willi Syndrome Follow-up Clinic
CIDD’s Prader-Willi Syndrome clinic is once every other month. This multidisciplinary clinic serves individuals with PWS and their families across NC and surrounding states. PWS is a genetic disorder originating on the paternal leg of chromosome 15, which results in borderline to moderate intellectual disability, mild to extreme hypotonia, often severe hyperphagia (urge to eat), OCD and autistic-like behaviors, and mild self-injurious behaviors (mostly skin-picking). Many individuals with PWS have obesity-related health concerns as well. The clinic team is comprised of psychology, psychiatry, speech/language, nutrition, social work, medicine, and genetic counseling. A medical consultation model is used to support families who come to the clinic. Multiple families are seen by rotating providers each clinic.
Supervisor: Melissa Beck, PhD
UNC is an international leader in preclinical and clinical research in autism and other developmental disabilities (DDs). UNC’s Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD) is the hub that brings together faculty experts in a range of clinical research, multidisciplinary clinical care, and training in DDs. In 2020, the CIDD Clinical Trials Program was founded by Co-Directors Jamie Capal, MD and Mark Shen, PhD. Since its inception, the Program has obtained ten grants and contracts to run clinical trials and research studies from major pharmaceutical companies and industry partners, FDA, NIH, and Foundations. Many of these trials target the specific gene and/or pathogenic mechanism underlying these conditions. Currently, we are running trials and studies in Angelman syndrome (AS), fragile X syndrome (FXS), Dup15q syndrome, autism, Down syndrome, and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC).
The psychology intern will perform essential components of the clinical trials, including developmental and behavioral assessments of children with DD. These assessments, and therefore the intern’s role, are critical in determining efficacy of these treatments, as changes in behavior and development often serve as outcome measures that gauge treatment success. The intern will learn both the day-to-day logistics (IRB, protocol development, data collection/management) and strategic scientific rationale involved in running FDA-approved clinical trials for children with DDs. The intern will work closely with the Program Co-Directors (a neurologist and neuroscientist, respectively), the program manager, the regulatory supervisor, clinical trial coordinators, nurse practitioners, and research assistants. Come join the CIDD Clinical Trials Program, which we believe is poised to become the premier program in field of developmental disabilities.
Supervisors: Mark Shen, Ph.D., Jamie Capal, M.D., Rebecca
Grzadzinski, Ph.D.
Child and Adolescent Services
The UNC ADHD Program is dedicated to improving the lives of children and adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Interns are trained to administer, score, and interpret diagnostic clinical interviews and self-, caregiver-, and teacher-reported measures assessing for ADHD and co-occurring disorders. Additionally, interns are trained to administer behavioral and cognitive-behavioral interventions for child/adolescents with ADHD between the ages of three and seventeen years and their caregivers in individual and group settings.
Supervisor: Nicholas Fogleman, PhD
The Pediatric Psychology Consultation Liaison service provides psychological care to children, adolescents, and their families who are hospitalized in the NC Children’s Hospital. Consultations may be a single visit or in the form of more ongoing supportive care in coping with a lengthier hospital stay. Referrals from the pediatric teams may, for example, include consultation regarding coping and adjustment to chronic illness, assessment of trauma symptoms in children with burn injuries or motor vehicle accidents, evaluation of possible functional neurological symptom disorder (conversion disorder), or nonadherence to recommended medical treatment. The Pediatric Psychology C/L service consults on patients hospitalized in the UNC Children’s Hospital for acute or chronic illness, age range is infants through young adulthood. Depending on intern interests and day of the week, some outpatient subspecialty clinic opportunities may be possible. The psychology intern’s primary role is to provide consultation to patients hospitalized in the NC Children’s Hospital; however, depending on interest, there may be opportunities to participate in consultation to outpatients in subspecialty clinics (e.g., disorders of gut-brain interaction, sickle cell, transplant clinics), or observation of the Children’s Supportive Care Team with Dr. Prieur. Depending on intern interest, there may be opportunities to see pediatric patients for outpatient psychotherapy. Interns interested in gaining exposure to specific populations should discuss opportunities with us at the beginning of the rotation; exposure might be embedded within an elective rotation.
Supervisors: Joni McKeeman, PhD, Mary Beth Prieur, PhD, Sam Pflum, PhD
CATCH-Johnston collaborates with local schools, community partners, and primary care providers to reduce barriers to accessing behavioral health (BH) psychiatric care using virtual care. CATCH-Johnston utilizes virtual technology, provided by a core program team that includes leading child and adolescent psychiatrists and clinicians who specialize in child therapy to provide direct care to children and families, consult with educators, and provide consultation and integration with local primary care providers. Interns who choose this rotation will conduct initial intake evaluations and provide virtual psychotherapy for children, adolescents, and their families at several mobile outreach centers and schools.
Supervisor: Ashland Thompson, PsyD
The Gender Equity and Wellness Initiative (GEWI, “gender clinic”) is a great opportunity for interns interested in learning more about gender-affirming care for children, adolescents, young adults, and families. The GEWI program provides psychological assessment and consultation services for gender diverse (e.g., trans, non-binary, genderqueer/fluid) patients ages 5-30 and their families.
Supervisor: Samantha Pflum, PhD
Adult Services
In the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) rotation, you will get didactic and experiential training in the ACT model and provide outpatient ACT with adult patients. This rotation will be for the full year, which allows us to ensure a solid foundation in the ACT model and functional contextualism (the philosophy underlying ACT) before working with patients.
Because ACT is a transdiagnostic approach, interns will be able to work with patients with a variety of presenting concerns, depending on your training goals. Referrals for the ACT rotation have come from several UNC clinics (e.g., the general outpatient therapy clinic at Vilcom, Reproductive Psyc., PTATT) and community providers. Interns will conduct initial intake assessments and provide either short-term or long-term ACT, depending on patient needs and therapy goals.
Supervisor: Mary Hill, PhD
The mission of the inpatient services team is to provide state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment services for children, adolescents, & adults suffering from a broad range of psychiatric diagnoses that require acute inpatient treatment. A safe and consistent environment is essential in order to meet the many-faceted needs of this population. Therapeutic interventions are varied and are individualized based upon the assessment of each individual. The goal of hospitalization is to provide efficient diagnosis and acute-care treatment, to provide a number of interventions to improve coping and symptom management, arrange appropriate follow-up care after hospitalization, and to assist the patient and the family to learn behavior management skills for use within the community. Interns in this rotation will gain skills in the provision of a variety of modalities of group treatment on the inpatient Adolescent, Adult Crisis & Adult Psychotic Disorders Units. Groups are provided to the adolescent inpatient population and broadly focused to capture the variety of treatment needs that present in a general inpatient unit. Common theoretical orientations include Motivational Interviewing, DBT Skills, CBT, Seeking Safety, and Relapse Prevention.
Supervisor: Terra Rose, PsyD
The mission of this service is to provide evidence-based, culturally sensitive care to individuals who are hospitalized on the PPIU. Patients on this unit are pregnant or postpartum (up to one year postpartum) and hospitalized for peripartum mental health concerns, including depression, bipolar disorder, psychosis, anxiety, OCD, and trauma. The focus on the inpatient unit is crisis stabilization, providing psychoeducation, and providing coping skills. We also provide psychoeducation to families and conduct discharge planning-focused family sessions. SCOID modules and questionnaire-based assessments are used as appropriate for diagnostic clarity. Interns on this service provide brief individual treatments, conduct targeted assessments, and family sessions. Interns also attend psychiatry rounds, lead weekly morning community meetings, and participate in interdisciplinary treatment team meetings.
Supervisor: Emily Pisetsky, PhD
The perinatal period (that is, pregnancy and up to one year postpartum) is a unique window during which the full array of mental health symptoms can emerge or worsen. The mission of this service is to provide comprehensive assessment, evidence-based interventions, and culturally sensitive care to individuals in the perinatal period. The focus of this rotation is on building assessment and intervention competencies within the perinatal context.
Assessment Opportunities: Interns who elect to be part of the formal assessment clinic gain experience with comprehensive assessments of pregnant individuals or up to one year postpartum with a range of acuities, complexities, and presentations. Activities include administering a standard battery of measures, a diagnostic evaluation, providing diagnostic feedback and recommendations to patients, and writing up assessment reports.
Intervention Opportunities: As the perinatal period is just a context for mental health symptoms to occur, interns have the option to tailor their training to specific interests or gaps in their training. The most common interventions used within our clinic are: Exposure + Response Prevention, Interoceptive exposure for panic, the Unified Protocol and other forms of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Activation, Prolonged Exposure, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills. Interns are expected to identify specific goals. Interns are not expected to learn all of these interventions, but rather to select specific interventions that meet training goals and interests.
Supervisor: Tiffany Hopkins, PhD
The mission of this service is to help interns build competencies in treating acute, standard, and complex trauma presentations with evidence-based interventions, with the hope of intervening in the intergenerational cycle of trauma. The patient population includes trauma survivors in the perinatal period (pregnant, up to 1 year postpartum, or post-perinatal loss). The most common types of trauma experienced include obstetrical and neonatal, sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and developmental traumas. Our treatment approach depends on patient presentation and goals. Typically, for PTSD, we stabilize (if needed) with a brief course of skills followed by Prolonged Exposure or Cognitive Processing Therapy. For acute trauma, Acceptance and Commitment therapy, DBT skills, or the Unified Protocol are the interventions of choice. Subsequent work may involve an evidence-based treatment for PTSD.
Dialectic Behavioral Therapy: For individuals with complex, developmental trauma, high diagnostic complexity, and acuity, our program also offers comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Additionally, interns will have the opportunity to complete Dr. Melanie Herned’s DBT+Prolonged Exposure protocol for patients with primary PTSD diagnoses. Our DBT program often involves the entire family system at various points in treatment (e.g., interpersonal skills for partners, and bonding.parenting skills with children). Of note, only one elective opening DBT exists (reproductive and trauma track interns have this built into their standard schedule); therefor, some interns may choose to do general perinatal trauma work, but only one will be able to do both perinatal trauma and DBT.
Supervisor: Tiffany Hopkins, PhD
The Perimenopause Clinic, directed by Dr. Margo Nathan, supports women and their providers who are seeking further understanding of whether the hormonal changes of menopause may be playing a role in their psychiatric symptoms. The clinic provides specialized consultation which includes a reproductive and psychiatric evaluation as well as discussion of recommendations for the management of hormonally associated mood and anxiety symptoms. Interns provide evaluation, consultation, and brief behavioral interventions (including behavioral activation and CBT-I) for perimenopausal women experiencing mod and anxiety symptoms. Additionally, interns may provide Behavioral Activation to individuals in the perinatal period.
Supervisor: Sultan Hubbard and Erin Bondy, PhD
Taking Care of Our Own (TCOOO) is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of mental health professionals who provide individual psychotherapy and psychiatric services to UNC healthcare workers in an outpatient setting. TCOOO utilizes a brief, supportive model of care to ensure timely access to and availability of services. For individuals interested in longer-term mental health services, TCOOO can provide tailored guidance on additional resources within UNC and the greater community. TCOOO patients have the option of in-person or virtual services, depending on clinician preference, availability, and presenting factors. Interns will gain diagnostic and clinical experience working with a variety of biopsychosocial issues, excluding severe and persistent mental illness. Depending on the interns’ areas of interest, there are opportunities to facilitate group therapy and/or provide well-being group support to different departments throughout the healthcare system.
Supervisor: Susannah Matthews, LCSW