UNC Psychiatry provides a clinical training experience that effectively integrates psychiatric theory and practice with comprehensive knowledge of psychodynamic principles. We ensure that each trainee is extensively versed in a variety of behavioral/cognitive approaches and treatment options, and in understanding the scientific and research methods that underpin our specialty. Our graduates are competent physicians appropriately grounded in medicine, neurology, and neuropsychiatry, as well as in general psychiatry.
PGY-1 Broad exposure to psychiatry across various settings and a foundation in general medicine and neurology
PGY-2 Outpatient psychotherapy training ensures continuity of care experience throughout residency
PGY-3 Focus on inpatient psychiatric care and ECT with ongoing outpatient management
PGY-4 Fine-tuning clinical and leadership skills and encouraging further educational pursuits
Didactics Protected time for weekly education seminars across all years of residency
Resident Research World class resources, facilities, and faculty dedicated to supporting resident research initiatives