3 years ago
Happiness Happens Month – Focus on Well-Being for August
This month’s Focus on Well-Being is dedicated to creating joy for yourself and others.
3 years ago
This month’s Focus on Well-Being is dedicated to creating joy for yourself and others.
3 years ago
BCBP Community Members, The BCBP Department echoes the sentiments expressed by Dr. Wesley Burks about the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe V. Wade...
3 years ago
June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month. This month, learn about Alzheimer's disease and other dementias - and participate in activities that strengthen your brain...
3 years ago
The post-doc experience can sometimes feel "in between". You are no longer a graduate student, and not yet in a permanent position. Expectations for research and publication are high, and it is often difficult to balance work and family responsibilities. This 6-week group will provide a confidential space for post-docs to discuss concerns and seek support around these challenges.
3 years ago
CAPS groups are available this summer for students and Postdocs. Check them out: Dissertation support, Graduation/Professional Students of Color support, Post-doc support, and Improv Your Way to You.
3 years ago
Graduating students currently eligible for services at Campus Health will only be able to use Campus Health and CAPS for 30 days after the original academic calendar graduation on May 8, 2022 You will be eligible for services through June 7, 2022. This includes onsite visits as well as telehealth services.
3 years ago
With news, finals, and transitions, your brain might be spinning. Reach out if you need support. The Heels Care Network has over 100 easily filterable resources to help you find mental health support that best fits your needs, live peer chat, and more.
3 years ago
Get support, resources, training, and more from the Heels Care Network.
3 years ago
During Spring 2022, UNC-Chapel Hill offered a series of mental health online conversations, as well as launched multiple initiatives to support student health and wellbeing.
3 years ago
Employee Wellness Day TODAY March 18 Let’s do lunch! 12 – 2 PM outside Lenoir Hall., FREE boxed lunches your choice of chicken Caesar salad, Good Berry Salad, turkey- &-cheese wrap or veggie wrap, plus a banana, protein bites, and bottled water. Participation is free, and attendance is work time for staff. Supervisors and managers …
3 years ago
The NPA and NIH series: "Becoming a Resilient Scientist" is designed to help researchers navigate challenges & stressors unique to their community. The series consists of 5 webinars from April 7 to June 9, each followed by a small group discussion the following week.
3 years ago
Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training that will give students, staff, and faculty the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.