3 years ago
Employee Wellness Day celebrates workers and their health
UNC employees will come together Friday for the first time since 2019 for a day of fun and fitness — and free food. Wear Carolina blue to Employee Wellness Day.
3 years ago
UNC employees will come together Friday for the first time since 2019 for a day of fun and fitness — and free food. Wear Carolina blue to Employee Wellness Day.
3 years ago
Wellness resources are available to help support you during difficult times. Please check-in with your teammates – we recognize that what is going on in the world may cause additional stress and fear for our patients, teammates and community.
3 years ago
The UNC at Chapel Hill Biochemistry and Biophysics department hosted a plant swap with refreshments on Monday, February 28 on the Genetic Medicine Lawn. It was a beautiful afternoon...
3 years ago
The Carolina Collaborative for Resilience (CCR) provides caring and compassionate support by pairing students with Resilience Coaches. We aim to provide the individualized support that each student needs to thrive at every level of our campus. We are a team of diverse faculty and staff who have received specialized training to help students cope with …
3 years ago
The Heels Care Network is a gateway for mental health and wellness resources for everyone on campus: to find a support group, learn strategies for mental health, connect with training and advocacy organizations, or find wellness events on campus. The Heels Care Network also includes support resources for community members who are not doing well and are seeking immediate help.
3 years ago
A new year can provide us with hope and, more importantly, a desire to change. As we begin a new year, use tips from MHFA to create resolutions that are meaningful...
3 years ago
Tackle big changes by checking off small goals daily, says a Carolina expert on motivation and behaviors.
3 years ago
A new fund has been established to award students financial aid grants of up to $500.00 per semester to pay for mental health care not covered by insurance.
3 years ago
I want to send a huge thank you and kudos to UNC members for their attendance and participation in the Mental Health Summit in November 2021.
3 years ago
The holiday season can be a stressful and difficult time, and resources are available to help.
3 years ago
I wish you all a relaxing, joyful Thanksgiving break! Unfortunately, Covid still impacts our holiday celebrations...
3 years ago
We remain hopeful that the pandemic and recent events will continue to improve and lead to a better 2022. This week we published a new website section for Wellness. This page will be evolving. Special thanks to Carolyn Clabo and Brad Olson for their efforts. I will continue communicating with you about a variety of resources and programming in the coming year.