5 years ago
Mission & Vision statements formulated with faculty
BCBP faculty worked together to formulate these strategic statements in 2019 with our department leadership.
5 years ago
BCBP faculty worked together to formulate these strategic statements in 2019 with our department leadership.
5 years ago
Rebecca Pollet, PhD (2016) is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Michigan and serves as a faculty member in the Citizen Science Program at Bard College. She is also the co-author of a preprint related to graduate education, you can find the link here. The preprint highlights the motivation for the work she’s …
5 years ago
Alumni updates for November 6, 2019 Onur Dagliyan (2016) is a Scientist (Research Fellow) at Harvard Medical School, currently researching how sensory experience affects neuronal circuits at the molecular and cellular level. Andrew Clinton Hemert (2010) works for BioFire Diagnostics as the Director of Biochemistry Research and Innovation. Reed Jacob …
5 years ago
Follow the UNC Biochemistry and Biophysics Department’s new Instagram: @unc_bcbp. Make sure to follow us to keep updated on UNC and important highlights from our department! Our account was opened on September 18, 2019. Please click on these links for more ways to connect with us on social media.
5 years ago
Congratulations to Dr. Wentao Li, postdoctoral research associate in the Sancar lab who received a highly competitive K99 Pathway to Independence Award from NIH effective September 6, 2019.
5 years ago
We congratulate Dr. Silvia Ramos, assistant professor in Biochemistry and Biophysics for being named our new diversity liaison. This is an important new position initiated and supported in part by the School of Medicine & UNC Health. In this role, Dr. Ramos will “support departmental trainees, staff, faculty, and leadership in fostering a diverse and …
6 years ago
We received over $19.2 million in funding from NIH. We rank 4th among all Biochemistry departments & the 2nd highest among public institutions.
6 years ago
University campuses are hotbeds of mental health concerns, including among graduate students. But the demand for counseling services often outstrips capacity
6 years ago
Nazli Deger 2018-2019 Prof. Aziz Sancar Ph.D. Grant Program Grantee, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. See page 21 of the Turkish Fulbright Commission’s newsletter January-June 2019 Sancar lab
6 years ago
In a study in Nature Communications, Pengda Liu, PhD, Shelton Earp, MD, and their collaborators reported discoveries about a key signaling pathway that can be hyperactive in kidney cancer.
6 years ago
Odessa Goudy has been selected to receive a 2019 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF). Her proposal examined the role of a computationally designed autoinhibitory domain to investigate the impact of the actin depolymerizing factor at the nucleus. Throughout graduate school, Odessa Goudy’s broader outreach plans are to invite students into the laboratory through …
6 years ago
Dr. Carter has been working to unravel some of the biggest mysteries of molecular evolution — that is, how exactly did life on Earth as we know it rise from the primordial, chemical-laden soup four billion years ago. In particular, he investigates how information flows from genes to proteins found in living organisms via genetic coding.