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Rachel Degrange Recipient of APP Excellence Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice

December 4, 2023
Rachel Degrange, ACNP and member of the Division of Neurocritical Care, was selected as the 2023 recipient of the APP Excellence Award for Excellence in Clinical Practice! Rachel was selected from a pool of outstanding nominees across UNC Medical Center and Clinics. Rachel is an exceptional team member. She has...

UNC Neurology Authors featured in October issue of Seminars in Neurology

November 17, 2023
The October issue of Seminars in Neurology, a review journal on current trends in clinical neurology, is focused on the topic of “Neuroprognostication” and is comprised of 12 articles that collectively feature 18 co-authors from UNC Neurology.  The issue, co-edited by Dr. Zachary D. Threlkeld, clinical associate professor in the...

Dr. David Y. Hwang leads joint U.S. and German Neurocritical Care Society guideline

November 17, 2023
Dr. David Y. Hwang, professor and chief of the UNC Division of Neurocritical Care, is the lead author of a new joint guideline on behalf of the U.S. and German Neurocritical Care Societies on best practices for outcome prognostication for critically ill patients admitted with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).  The guideline,...

Dr. Clio Rubino’s Neurocritical Care Society Podcast!

October 4, 2023
Check out Dr. Clio Rubino’s Neurocritical Care Society Podcast! “In this week’s episode, Dr Lauren Koffman is joined by Dr Clio Rubinos to discuss her recent article in Currents – The Tower of Babel: Translating the ICU-EEG Nomenclature in Spanish.”  

LAMP Cohort Selected

September 5, 2023
The Office of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development has selected the 2023 – 2024 cohort of the Leadership in Academic Medicine Program (LAMP). Twenty-four exceptional junior faculty from 15 different departments will participate in the 8-month long career development series. LAMP was piloted for two years in the Department of...

Hwang Receives Grant to Study Emotional Support Intervention for Caregivers of Patients Surviving ICU Admission for Coma

August 18, 2023
A $100,000 grant from the Neurocritical Care Foundation has been awarded to David Y. Hwang MD, FAAN, FCCM, FNCS, division chief of neurocritical care in the Department of Neurology at the UNC School of Medicine, and colleagues to research an intervention to support family caregivers of patients surviving ICU admission...

Academy of Educators Accomplishments 2023

June 21, 2023
Congratulations to Neurology faculty and trainees for their recent Academy of Educator (AOE) accomplishments. We are so grateful for their enthusiasm, dedication, and talents as UNC AOE educators. Newly Inducted AOE Members: Dr. Tamara Strohm         TAR HEEL Resident-as-Teacher Graduates Dr. Diana Ontiveros        ...

REBOOT Coma! (REsting state fMRI BOLD Offers Opportunity for Treatment in Coma).

May 10, 2023
With the support of Neurology Clinical Research Pilot Award, the clinical resting state functional MRI service will launch a new clinical trial aiming to transform the treatment of brain injury patients with unnoticed seizures. Seizures are often hard to notice in comatose patients, resulting in prolonged recovery periods and suboptimal...

Lau 2022 Recipient of a Seed Funding Award in Neuropalliative Care

December 1, 2022
Dr. Winnie Lau is a 2022 recipient of a Seed Funding Award in Neuropalliative Care from the International Neuropalliative Care Society. Dr. Lau is Assistant Professor of UNC Neurology and Neurosurgery, Neurocritical Care Division. She also serves as the Program Director of the UNC Adult Neurology Residency Program and Associate...

UNC researchers secure more than $1B in funding for third consecutive year

July 23, 2022
Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill continues to grow, bringing in more than $1.2 billion in funding awards during the 2022 fiscal year. This is the third year in a row that research awards have topped $1 billion, facilitating research projects and experiments for external sponsors like...