Department Research Days
The Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics both have annual research days where residents have the opportunity to present their research to their co-residents and the faculty. Med/Peds residents often present cases, quality improvement projects, or research that spans all ages and participate in all three events.
Evening of Scholarship – Since 1985, the intellectual highlight of the Department of Pediatrics has been its annual Evening of Scholarship held each May. This idea was conceived by Dr. Boat, a former Chair of the Department, as a festive evening in which pediatric residents and fellows could present the results of their scientific studies (both basic and clinical) to their peers and faculty members. The goal of the evening is to encourage each of our pediatric house staff to engage in some sort of scholarly activity beyond their usual ward and clinic assignments. Such activities might range from a case report and review of the literature about some disease to a sophisticated laboratory or epidemiologic study. The program generally includes several oral presentations and a poster session. Since its inception, the Evening of Scholarship has developed into a showcase event in the Department’s spring calendar, and is typically well attended by faculty, residents, and fellows. Last year about 150 members of the Pediatric Department participated. A pulmonologist by training, Dr. Boat worked early in his career to define the pathophysiology of airway dysfunction and more effective therapies for chronic lung diseases of childhood, such as cystic fibrosis. He served as Chair of the UNC Department of Pediatrics from 1982 through 1993.
Medicine Resident Research Day – The Department of Medicine hosts an annual Resident Research Day where residents are encouraged to present completed research projects. The program includes poster presentations and is well-attended by faculty and residents.
George Sheldon Research Day – This housestaff wide event is held in honor of George F. Sheldon. Dr. Sheldon chaired the general surgery department from 1984-2001. During his tenure he presided over multiple medical societies including: AAST, ACS, ASA and AAMC and in 2012 he was awarded with the prestigous American College of Surgeons Lifetime Achievement award. Dr. Sheldon personally trained around 150 categorical and preliminary surgery residents during his tenure as chairman and program director. In 2001, after becoming Emeritus Chairman of Surgery, Dr. Sheldon continued to mentor residents and medical students who passed through the Department of Surgery, and for his tireless dedication to resident education and productivity this symposium is held annually in his honor. All residents, fellows, and attendings are welcome to attend. The symposium includes two abstract itineraries: basic science and clinical research. Submitted abstracts are considered for posters and 6 are selected for oral presentation. An interdisciplinary board of residents review abstracts to determine presentation or poster status. Prizes are awarded to the top presentation in both the clinical and basic science tracks for both the oral and poster sessions. An interdisciplinary group of residents judge presentations/posters.