Required Courses
PHCO 701—Introduction to Molecular Pharmacology.
A one-semester course on general principles of pharmacology
PHCO 702—Principles of Pharmacology and Physiology.
A one semester course that focuses on advanced pharmacological and physiological principles of drug action. (Not required for MSTP students)
BBSP 710—Statistics for Lab Scientists.
Students with demonstrated knowledge and expertise in Biostatistics can opt out of this requirement. With prior approval from the DGS, students may also substitute BBSP 710 with an equivalent graduate-level course in statistics.
PHCO 730—Recent Advances in Pharmacology.
A presentation-based course geared towards techniques and critical evaluation of the literature. Each student will present once during the semester
PHCO 732—Grant Writing Workshop.
A one-semester course designed to help students develop their grant writing skills and prepare for their qualifying exams.
2 Electives — Any graduate-level 1, 2 or 3-credit course, in any scientific discipline, will satisfy this requirement. Elective courses must total at least 4 credit hours.
In addition to electives offered through PHCO, students often take electives offered by BIOC (Biochemistry and Biophysics), CBPH (Cell Biology and Physiology), NBIO (Neurobiology), GNET (Genetics), PATH (Pathology). The specific electives that are offered usually vary from semester to semester.
Below is a list of electives that are offered through PHCO, but please check each semester to see which exact courses will be offered.
Class | Name | Typically Taught |
669 | Macromolecular Crystallographic Methods | every spring |
728 | Neuropharmacology of Alcohol and Substance Use | odd years |
733 | Drug Discovery and Development | odd years |
737 | Target-based Anticancer Drug Discovery and Development | odd years |
740 | Module 1 PHCO 740 Phosphorylation Control | odd years |
741 | Module (2)- PHCO 741 GTPases | odd years |
742 | Module 3 – PHCO 742 Cell Cycle Control | odd years |
743 | Contemporary Topics in Cell Signaling: Signaling Networks | even years |
744 | Module 2 BIOC/PHCO 744 Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine | even years |
745 | Module 1 PHCO 745 – Intercellular Signaling in Development & Disease | even years |
749 | GNET/PHCO 749 – Practical RNA-SEQ | every spring |
750 | Module 1 – PHCO 750 Proteomics Methods and Applications | every fall |