Resident Well-Being
UNC Psychiatry is committed to the emotional health, growth, and flourishing of residents. With multiple support networks and resident advocacy roles, we understand the importance of providing a healthy and welcoming training program that allows trainees to become the best physicians they can be.
Taking Care of Our Own
The Taking Care of Our Own program assists faculty and residents who may be struggling with the demands of training and life transitions by offering compassionate and anonymous assistance and care. Many residents also participate in their own therapy as part of their development as psychiatrists and to better understand themselves. Dr. Burton Hutto, the primary educator of psychodynamic psychotherapy in residency, is able to provide a list of recommended therapists in the area should a resident be interested in pursuing therapy (which is fully covered by UNC’s health insurance).
Intern Retreat
Each year the PGY-2 class organizes a fall weekend retreat for all the interns to welcome them to UNC Psychiatry and given them a chance to get to know each other better as they prepare for the 4-year journey ahead. Sometimes at the beach, sometimes in the mountains, this weekend is always a highlight of the first year of residency and a welcome breather after the first few whirlwind months.
Intern Support
For PGY-1s, Intern Support is held and led by the Chief Residents once weekly during the lunch hour. During this time, interns are able to discuss challenges faced during intern year, responsibilities of the physician, and how to operate within the UNC Health Care System. This support hour is occasionally formal but often provides an opportunity for interns to relax and enjoy the company of their colleagues during the week.
Residents’ Forum
The voice of residents is also recognized throughout the department. An organized and resident-led meeting, Residents’ Forum meets monthly and allows for all years of residents to meet and discuss concerns within residency, organize future events and functions, and plan social gatherings. The resident leadership then convey to faculty and administration these concerns and topics.
Resident Education Committee
All residents are also able to participate in the monthly Residency Education and Curriculum Committee, the primary governing body for the residency. Department faculty, in collaboration with residents, help review, organize, and plan the program and curriculum for each resident class. Frequently, changes are made to the curriculum during the year based on resident requests and desires, and these changes come directly from resident input in this committee.