6 years ago
Researchers clock DNA’s recovery time after chemotherapy
The lab of Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD, published a paper in the Journal of Biological Chemistry that could inform the creation of 'chronochemotherapies'
6 years ago
The lab of Aziz Sancar, MD, PhD, published a paper in the Journal of Biological Chemistry that could inform the creation of 'chronochemotherapies'
6 years ago
To facilitate meetups and networking between members of BCBP, we launched BCBP Synergy.
6 years ago
The UNC-Chapel Hill Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research announced the 2019 Creativity Hubs Awards to accelerate solutions to societal challenges. These are two-year grants for up to $500,000.
6 years ago
Using a new blood test that’s in development, University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers identified characteristics that could be used to personalize treatment for patients with a type of head and neck cancer linked to HPV infection.
6 years ago
Congratulations to Justin Rectenwald a graduate student in Biochemistry and Biophysics, who was awarded the Diane Harris Leadership Award for exemplary public service.
6 years ago
Nazli Deger 2018-2019 Prof. Aziz Sancar Ph.D. Grant Program Grantee, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. See page 21 of the Turkish Fulbright Commission’s newsletter January-June 2019 Sancar lab
6 years ago
$3-million instrument will bring exciting new capabilities to researchers across the university and others in the RTP area. The Talos Artica will be the centerpiece of the new cryoEM core facility, directed by Joshua Strauss, PhD.
6 years ago
UNC researcher, William Marzluff, PhD, William Rand Kenan Professor in the UNC School of Medicine Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, will collaborate with Research Triangle Park-based Cell Microsystems in an effort to speed the use of CRISPR technology in lab experiments. The company was awarded two federal Small Business Innovation and Research awards totaling $1.9 …
6 years ago
The lab of William Marzluff, PhD, UNC Kenan Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry & Biophysics will collaborate with Cell Microsystems on gene editing projects to speed up the use of CRISPR workflows in lab experiments.
6 years ago
In a study in Nature Communications, Pengda Liu, PhD, Shelton Earp, MD, and their collaborators reported discoveries about a key signaling pathway that can be hyperactive in kidney cancer.
6 years ago
Odessa Goudy has been selected to receive a 2019 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF). Her proposal examined the role of a computationally designed autoinhibitory domain to investigate the impact of the actin depolymerizing factor at the nucleus. Throughout graduate school, Odessa Goudy’s broader outreach plans are to invite students into the laboratory through …
6 years ago
In the online magazine American Scientist in the Science Culture blog, a Cook lab scientific image of cells was showcased. The article, “Finding Beauty in Microscopy,” by Stacey Lutkoski, addresses how Biologists blur the line between art and science. Special thanks to Jacob Matson and Jean Cook for this image that appears to be abstract …