2 years ago
SOM Office of Research Accepting Applications for Bridge and Boost Funding
The UNC School of Medicine is accepting applications for bridge and boost funding. The deadline for applications is Oct. 10.
2 years ago
The UNC School of Medicine is accepting applications for bridge and boost funding. The deadline for applications is Oct. 10.
2 years ago
As part of a growing green-lab movement, Carolina competes with labs internationally to cut the high cost of cold storage. Xian Chen's lab is highlighted for being one of the two labs at UNC who participated in the international challenge!
2 years ago
The School of Medicine is soliciting innovative scientific images that showcase the biomedical research in the School. Submissions are due September 19.
2 years ago
As the new academic year begins, the College of Arts and Sciences highlights a book written by two professors to promote equity and inclusion in the classroom.
2 years ago
The Graduate School welcomed more than 700 graduate students at an in-person orientation on Wednesday, August 10; they join nearly 2,500 incoming graduate students from all areas of campus. Dean Suzanne Barbour provided words of wisdom from her time as a graduate student.
2 years ago
As we prepare for the Fall 2022 Semester, we continue to monitor COVID-19 and its impact on our campus community. Our community standards remain in place from last spring and we will make changes as necessary throughout the school year.
2 years ago
With a record–breaking $1.2B in funding awards this year, Carolina researchers drive breakthroughs in drug development and facilitate experiments for federal agencies and nonprofits.
2 years ago
The RNA Discovery Center will cultivate an inclusive community of scientists dedicated to investigating all aspects of RNA biology, some of which has already been implicated in human diseases and much of which we know very little about. Co-directors include Qi Zhang and Bill Marzluff. Silvia Ramos and many other researchers are involved in the center. Read more...
2 years ago
UNC will be showcasing remarkable, innovative, and life-saving research conducted by its world-renown faculty and students and inspiring the next generation of scientists through presentations, workshops, and more. Plan ahead and organize an event. Read more...
2 years ago
Susan Girdler, PhD, and Friederike Jayes, PhD, principle investigators for the Peer Group Research on Mentoring Scientists Underrepresented in Biomedical Research (PROMISE) study, will host information sessions on how to participate in the team’s research, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health Diversity Program Consortium.
2 years ago
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health awarded the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health a $65 million grant establishing an Antiviral Drug Discovery Center to develop oral antivirals that can combat pandemic-level viruses like COVID-19. The center builds upon and is tightly affiliated with UNC’s Rapidly Emerging Antiviral Drug Development Initiative. The READDI-AViDD Center, one of nine established by the NIH, is an integrated public-private partnership with a renowned, interdisciplinary research team of experts from the Gillings School, UNC School of Medicine and UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. They will apply cutting-edge technologies to develop oral therapies that target viral families with high potential to cause a pandemic in the future.
2 years ago
Last weekend, a self-proclaimed white supremacist was driven to attack Black members of the Buffalo, NY, community. Ten people who were simply going about their day and doing their jobs lost their lives at the hands of someone motivated by his hatred and fear of others who are different than him.