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postdoc Dr. Yanqiong Zhang in Liu lab, Dr. Zhe Ma in Damania lab and a BBSP student Ying Wang

4 years ago

Liu and Damania Labs identified new proteins controlling cGAS activation

Hyperactivation of innate immunity results in autoimmune diseases, while deficiency in innate immunity is prone to tumorigenesis. Thus, the activity of innate immune signaling is tightly controlled but the regulatory mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. Recently, the labs of Liu and Damania published a study in iScience revealing a role of the bacterial protein streptavidin in binding and facilitating cGAS activation.

Clustered heatmaps displaying STAG1, STAG2, RAD21, and CTCF signal (Z-score normalized) at a union list of STAG1 and STAG2 peaks.

4 years ago

Nicole Arruda in Dowen lab publishes paper in Epigenetics and Chromatin

Nicole Arruda (Jill Dowen lab) published a paper titled “Distinct and overlapping roles of STAG1 and STAG2 in cohesin localization and gene expression in embryonic stem cells” in Epigenetics and Chromatin (DOI:10.1186/s13072-020-00353-9). GMB student Megan Justice is a co-author. Image: Heatmaps of expression changes in Stag1 and Stag2 mutant cells and of STAG1 and STAG2 ChIP-seq; see article for details). August 10, 2020 Arruda, …