Well Child
Our Mission
SHAC Well Child enables school-age children to receive all required vaccinations and physical examinations as necessary for school entry and participation in school activities, provides counseling and education regarding healthy lifestyle choices to children and their parents, and connects parents to healthcare payment assistance options and to options for affordable healthcare. We also allow health-professions students to learn about the interdisciplinary care of pediatric populations.
Location & Hours
Our Well Child Clinic operates every Tuesday from 5:00PM to 9:00PM throughout August-September 2021, with appointments starting at 5:30PM. It is located at:
Carrboro Community Health Center
301 Lloyd St
Carrboro, NC 27510
Make an Appointment
*If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911 or go to the UNC Hospitals Emergency Department at 101 Manning Dr, Chapel Hill, NC*
Please fill our our Appointment Request Form
Contact Us
For questions related to the Well Child clinic, please contact shac_wellchild@med.unc.edu