Dear Colleagues,
I am excited to share that Jill Jemison, MBA, will join our team this fall as Associate Dean for Information Technology and CIO. Her first day will be August 29.
Jill currently serves as Assistant Dean for Technology and CIO for Health Sciences at the University of Vermont. Additionally, she has experience serving as a Clinical Instructor and Director of Instructional Technology in the University of Vermont’s College of Medicine. She has held leadership roles in the AAMC Group on Information Resources, where she founded the Education Technology Working Group, chaired the Steering Committee, and was the first female director of the AAMC GIR Leadership Institute. She also has regularly presented at Educause, and is a board member for the North East Research and Education Network. Jill brings valuable leadership and implementation experience to the role and has a successful track record of leading and building strong teams. I look forward to working with her.
Importantly, I want to thank Kelly Brown, MBA, for serving as Interim Associate Dean and CIO since September 2021. I also want to thank Uduak Ndoh, MBA, who served as Associate Dean and CIO from 2016 through 2021. Kelly and Uduak helped lead the department during this transition period and I am so grateful for them.
I also want to thank everyone who participated in the search process. The search committee did amazing work, and I appreciate everyone who stepped in along the way.
Please join me in welcoming Jill to the team this fall.
Karlina Matthews
Associate Dean for Administration
UNC School of Medicine